Chapter 13

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Kate's POV

My breath hitched in my throat.

Someone. Following. Us?


There couldn't be.

But as I looked behind me, I saw a man, dressed in black, following us at a steady pace.

"How long as he been following us?" I asked Harry.

"Since we left the shop," Harry whispered,bending down to whisper into my ear.

I glanced over my shoulder, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of my face and saw the guy now had his phone out, holding it at his stomach, upright. It almost looked as if...

Was he taking photos?

I nudged Harry's arm, pulling him down so I could whisper into his ear.

"I think he's taking photos of us? Is it paparazzi?" I asked, praying to God that it was. I could deal with a dodgy headline story rather than a professional kidnapper.

"No," Harry said and my heart sunk, "he would be right in our faces or have a professional camera,"

I licked my lips and then heard laughing and cheering as a drunken crowd where coming out of a pub, at the corner of the street. A lightbulb then went off in my head.

"Harry, we need to walk through the group of people, the guy will get distracted trying to find us through the crowd and then we leg it to the car," I said and Harry nodded. We quickened our pace and I could see the man was changing his walking speed, to match ours. Soon we were walking through the group of drunken men. Harry had no problem as he moved quite swiftly, keeping his head down, muttering a few 'excuse me's. I followed quickly and I could tell the alcohol was affecting the men as one squeezed my bum. I kept moving through them and quickly emerged from the pile of bodies, breaking into a run.

We arrived at the car, Lou, Niall and Louis already sitting in. I jumped into the backseat beside Niall. Harry hopped into the driving seat, wasting no time, flipping the ignition and driving our of the car park quickly.

"What happened?" Niall asked, putting a hand in my cheeks, which were probably flushing from running and his gentle touch on my skin.

"Someone was following us," Harry said and Lou gasped but Louis looked relaxed.

"Mate, it was probably just some paps," he said and Harry shook his head.

"No, Louis, it wasn't like the paps! He was taking pictures, yeah, but it was on his mobile, he was taking them and it was like he was stalking us rather than following us," Harry said, turning down the road to our hotel.

Harry, Lou and Louis kept arguing about the man who was following us, whilst I zoned out. How could I have not known there was someone following us? The guys who keep coming keep getting better and better and better...

"Kate?" I heard Niall say my name quietly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said and Niall placed his lips on my forehead.

"Just remember to tell me if you aren't," he said and I smiled. He was so sweet. Harry slammed on the brakes as he almost missed the turn in for the hotel and that snapped me out of my daydream.

We clambered out of the car and Harry and Louis went straight to Paul. Lou came over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded once.

"Was there someone following you?" She asked and again, I nodded.

"I'm gonna talk to Paul, do you want to go back up to the room?" She said, giving me the card. I nodded, starting to walk towards the lift. I pressed the button for my floor and the doors started to close. Until Niall stuck his hand between the doors and they opened again as he slid into the lift with me.

Niall had beads of sweat on his forehead, which he shakily wiped off with his hands, breathing out silently.

"Hey," I said, touching his hand and he flinched slightly, "are you okay?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Just promise this stays between us?" He said, touching my forearm lightly. I nodded and he inhaled deeply.

"I overheard what Paul told Louis and Harry about what happened tonight... Kate, I will have to ask Paul myself but he said that someone is after us. Me and the boys."

I swallowed. So he knew. Harry and Louis knew. And very soon, Zayn and Liam would know as well.

"Yikes," I breathed. I turned to Niall.

"Are you okay, considering what you have just learned?" I said and he laughed shortly.

"I don't know, Kate. Learning that their is someone after me and the boys doesn't really make me want to sleep tonight." He said, leaning against the wall. The lift stopped and we walked out walking towards the rooms.

"Come in to my room for a minute," I said, pulling Niall into mine and Lou's room. I lay down on my single bed, Niall lying down beside me.

"So what do you think is going to happen now?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Probably double up security," he said, putting a hand to his face.

"But there is one thing worrying more than anything," he said, looking at the ceiling.

"What?" I said, turning my body towards him.

"You." He said, opening his eyes, which where bright in the dimly lit room.

"I don't follow," I said and he smiled slowly.

"You. What if the people after me and the boys use the people we love to get to us, aka for me, you," he said, turning he head so that his face was inches from mine. His breath tickled my lips as I licked them. I took his hand, wrapping our fingers together.

"Don't worry about me," I whispered and he moved closer, his forehead, resting on mine.

"But I do worry," he said and I closed my eyes, snuggling closer on the small bed. His lips touched mine and they stayed attached to mine until the kiss became more passionate. He moaned and kissing down my face. He left a trail of kisses across my cheek, down my neck and stopped at my collarbone. My hand moved through his soft hair, it tangling between my fingers. I gasped, as he started nipping at my collarbone. His hands moved down to my waist and he flipped me over on top of him. Niall let his large hands wander down to my skinny jeans were he squeezed my bum lightly. I gasped again and he travelled back up to my mouth were he kissed me lightly.

He licked his lips.

"I enjoyed that," he laughed and I giggled.

"So did I," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Niall snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me close into him. I looked at the clock beside the bed and saw it was 1.30am. I put my head into the crook of Niall's neck and before I could stop myself, I felt myself falling into a deep sleep.

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