Chapter 14

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Kate's POV

I was awoken by the tourbus, hitting a bump in the road. My eyes flew open and I pulled back the curtain and climbed out from the bunk and saw that Niall was still sleeping, his blonde hair, fluffed and lying messy across his head. I tiptoed down passed the bunks and opened the mini fridge, pouring myself a glass of water. I drank it, washing the glass, drying it and putting it back into the cupboard, locking it so the cupboard wouldn't be moving whilst the bus was moving and I climbed back into the bunk. I could hear some of the boys and the crew snoring. Shaking my head, I laid back down beside Niall.

The boys tour was now in America. I have now been touring with the boys for a total for five months and I have going out with Niall for three months. He was everything I had ever wanted. He was funny, he made me smile, he made me happy, he made me feel loved. And he did not keep anything from me. Which was a like a crushing weight every time we talked, touched or kissed. Because I was keeping a secret from him.

He couldn't find out. What would he think if I was an undercover agent? Probably break up for me for a start. Then I would be kicked off the touring team. And I would never hear from him.

A few hours later, we arrived at the arena in Boston, where the boys where playing four nights. I climbed out of the bunk, again, and shook Niall's shoulder.

"What?" He moaned, rubbing a hand over his eyes.

"We're here, sleepyhead," I said and Niall yawned, stretching, grabbing a t-shirt, pulling it over his head and jumped out of the bunk, wearing his jeans, he was wearing before he fell asleep. I was wearing denim shorts, sandals and a tank top with the American flag on it. I drew back the curtains in Liam's bunk, shaking his shoulder gently.

"Hmmmmm," he mumbled.

"Come on, Li, it's time to go," I said as he started to stretch. Niall had already drew back the curtains on Harry's, Louis' and Zayn's bunk. Niall took my hand as we stepped off the bus.

We walked round to the side of the bus and Paul, handed Niall and I a few bags. I turned around and saw about two hundred fans standing outside the gates of the venue. The girls started screaming and holding up posters when they glimpsed Niall at the side of the tourbus.

"NIALL! NIALL! NIALL!" They chanted and Niall smiled and waved at the girls and they all screamed. A couple of them yelled my names and I awkwardly waved at them. I swung a shoulder bag over my body and pulled a suitcase behind me. Niall took my free hand again and we entered the arena, before entering we heard more screams as the girls saw the rest of the boys coming off the bus.

After an hour of unpacking and the crew setting up the arena, it was time for the boys sound check. Lou and I sat in the arena and just talked about things, the tour, the boys and Niall and I. Then, heard a thick Newcastle accent and Lou stood up and screamed, hugging a tall blonde girl, who had her hair in a high ponytail and a leather jacket on. She then pulled back from Lou and I knew who she was.

Perrie Edwards.

"Perrie, this is Kate," Lou said and Perrie came forward and hugged me.

"Nice to meet you, Kate," she said and I hugged her back, warmly.

"Nice to finally meet you too, Perrie," I said, pulling back from the hug. I then heard Zayn's voice through the microphone as he recognised Perrie.

"PERRIE!?" He shouted and it echoed round the arena. She turned around smiling and started to run through the chairs. Zayn handed his microphone to Louis and jumped down off the stage. Zayn sprinted to Perrie and scooped her up in his arms, swinging her around, placing her down and kissing her.

Lou and I watched in awe as they whispered in eachothers ears and gave eachother small kisses on their faces.

"I take it Zayn didn't know she was going to be here?" I asked Lou and she shook her head.

"She wanted to surprise him, she has a week off from Little Mix's tour," she said, putting her hand out in front of her, expecting her nails.

I nodded and she pulled me off the seat as we made our way to the dressing room and started to get the boys ready for the night's show.

Five minutes before the show, Lou and I were running along the corridor with the boys, spraying it with hairspray and shine. The boys were handed microphones and Lou and I were about to be escorted back to the dressing rooms when Niall grabbed my arm.

"Kiss me for luck," he whispered and I kissed his cheek. He frowned and pulled me back.

"A proper one," he smiled and I pulled his neck down to my level and kissed his soft lips. He grabbed my hair, softly and pulled it with made me moan and he smiled, pulling back.

"See you soon," he said, taking his position as they doors started to slide open and girls started going crazy.

Lou and I were escorted back to the dressing room where Perrie was sitting.

"Want to go watch the show?" I asked. She nodded, grabbing my hand excitedly as we took our positions at the side of the stage, getting ready to watch. Halfway through the show, Perrie nudged my arm.

"Could we take a time out? I'm very warm," she said, fanning her face with both hands. I nodded, making sure I told Lou where Perrie and I were heading. We made our way down the corridor to the main dressing room and I opened a window, which lead to the car park. Perrie and I sat on the sofa.

I flicked on the TV and I turned it on to SmashHits Radio.

"How long have you and Zayn been together?" I asked and Perrie smiled.

"Two years," she said and showed me her engagement ring.

"It's beautiful," I whispered and Perrie's smile grew wider.

"What about you and Niall?" She asked, hitting my leg, lightly. "How long have you been together?"

"About three months," I said and Perrie smiled.

"Poor Niall, hasn't really had that much luck with love," she said, frowning.

"But with you, I just see something, his eyes light up, as do yours and he is always so happy, he's happier since the last time I saw him," she said and I looked at the ground, my cheeks reddening. I cleared my throat, jumped off the sofa and turned off the TV.

"Do you want to back in and watch the rest of the concert?" I said and she nodded, getting off the sofa, checking her reflection before heading to the door with me. I put my hand on the handle and turned it to opened it. But it was locked.

"It's locked," I said, utterly confused. I tried in vain to open the door, but with no success.

"Let me try," Perrie said, so I moved aside as she struggled with the door for a few minutes.

"I don't understand," I said, running a hand through my hair.

"Maybe the door locked automatically?" Perrie said and I nodded but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

And just like that... the lights went off and everything plunged into darkness.

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