Chapter 38

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Kate's POV

I bit down on my tongue hard so as I would not yell, cry or scream in pain as Shaun drew the blade across my cheek. The metal-salt taste filled my mouth as my tongue now started bleeding from how much it fucking hurt.

I gasped as he moved the blade down from my cheek down the skin on my neck. Jesus Christ, if he was going to kill me, could he please just do to and that would be it over with? But of course, Shaun would want to make me suffer first.

He stopped and put the blade underneath my chin, and I knew this was it. He was then going to kill me.

How the hell did I think that sacrificing myself would save the Niall, the boys, Lou and Perrie? Shaun was a bastard, of course he would want me dead so then he could get what he want and get his money.

Well, I'm going to fuck his plans up.

I growled and kneed him in the groin, and he doubled over in pain, but only for a second, but that was quick enough for me to grab the knife out of his grip and I tried to stab it into his shoulder. But he caught my wrist and squeezed it hard, which made me yelp in pain and the knife fell out of my hand. I reached down for it and I pushed him away from me and kicked the knife across to the other side of the room.

Shaun raised himself back up, a punch flying towards my face but I avoided it. I wrapped my hands around his throat and we both fell to the ground when I jumped on top of him. He had grabbed hold of one of my wrists and he was trying to grab the other one and I flew a good punch which hit him square in the cheek. I rolled off him and tried to reach the knife and Shaun grabbed my ankle which caused me to fall to the ground.

I quickly wiped the blood that was running into my mouth from my cut cheek and I clawed at the dirty flooring and my fingers brushed the knife, and as Shaun pulled me back I grabbed it and kept it in my enclosed palm. He turned me round on my back to face him and I blindly stabbed the knife into his arm.

He screamed in pain and fell on top of me and I rolled him off me and I ran for the door, which was unlocked. I turned round before leaving and he was starting to pull the knife out of his arm. He looked up at me and gritted his teeth.

"You bitch!" He screamed at me and I ran because angry Shaun scared the shit out of me. I sprinted, running as fast as my tired legs could carry me and I rounded a corner, running straight into someone.


He gripped my arms tightly and he touched my cut cheek and his fingers trailed down the cut he made on my neck.

"What the fuck was he doing to you?" He yelled and I shuddered.

"I don't know, but we need to go, because I stabbed him and I really don't want him to finish what he started." I said, grabbing his hand and we ran down the corridor, turned round another corner and we were at a dead end.


He pulled me back to turn back but then he froze.

Shaun was standing at the end of the corrdior, with the bloody knife in his hand, blood running down the wound that was now in his arm, thank to me.

"Well, if it isn't my two least favourite people in the whole wide world," he said, a manic smile starting to creep on his face.

Lou's POV

Niall had ran off so quickly I couldn't keep up with him. By the time I rounded one corner, he had already disappeared. I leant against a wall and tried to catch my breath.

I then heard voices and I wondered where they were coming from. I tip-toed down the corridor and put my ear against the hall that I heard the noises coming from and I saw that the door had a dead bolt. I unlocked it and I opened it to see Perrie, her face drained of colour and Harry whose face was the same colour as Perrie's.

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