Chapter 54

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Niall's POV

"What do you mean we can't see her?" I heard Lou's high pitched shouting from my bed in the hospital.

I winced in pain as I tried to move my injured leg. The brace round it was tight, almost suffocating and I groaned. They found Kate in the remains of the house and she was gravely injured. She had a piece of metal which penetrated one of her internal organs and they operated on her which had been mostly successful.

But they then said she will be touch-and-go for God knows how long.

And now we aren't allowed to see her.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked, from the chair beside the bed and I nodded.

"Do you think we could try the crutches?" I said and Liam gave me a disapproving look.

"You can hardly move your leg as it is, mate," he said and I sighed, angrily.

"Please, Liam," I said, through gritted teeth and he nodded.

"Just wait until Harry comes back, because you will need both of us to support you." He said and I gave him a small smile, sitting back on the pillows. I chewed the inside of my cheek and looked at the ceiling.

"What are you thinking about?" Liam asked me and I shrugged.

"Just everything," I said quietly.

"I haven't even seen her," I whispered and Liam got up, rubbing my shoulder.

"You'll get to see her soon, Niall," he said and I laughed shortly.

Rubbing my tired eyes, I felt the pleasant feeling of sleep come over me but I shook my head, waking myself up. I can't sleep.

Everytime I fall asleep, all I see is Kate's face when she basically told me she was going to let Shaun kill her. Or when she gave me back the engagement ring and told me to find someone else to love. I reached down into my jeans pocket and took out the engagement ring and played with it in my fingers, turning it around and watched how it's sliver reflected the light. I blinked back the tears I had in my eyes and the door opened and Lou walked in.

"How is she?" I spat out and she shook her head.

"If we could fucking see her, it would help," she said and I looked at the ground.

"What's going on?" I heard Harry say as he walked through the door with four coffees. He placed one in Lou's hand, gave one to Liam and handed one to me. I thanked him quietly, taking a sip of it.

"We are not allowed to see Kate," Lou said and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?" He said and she shrugged.

"Your guess is as good as mine," Lou said, looking at her phone.

"I'll be back later," she said, waving goodbye to us and disappearing out of the room.

"What do we do now?" Harry said, leaning against the wall.

"Niall wanted to try and walk with the crutches," Liam said and Harry pressed his lips into a tight line.

"Are you sure?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Okay," Harry said and nodded to Liam. Liam grabbed the crutches and Harry came by side.

"Okay on the count of three, we're going to lift you and then support yourself on crutches," Harry said, grabbing one side of me under my armpits. I nodded and Liam grabbed my other side.

"One, two, three!" Harry said and they both lifted me and I gripped the crutches, placing my weight on to them. I groaned in pain and Liam and Harry both stepped back.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked and I nodded. I moved the crutches in front of me slightly, closed my eyes, and lifted my body, so as I could move around the room.

"Are you fine to go into the corridor now?" Harry asked and I nodded, as he opened the door. They helped me walk down the corridor on crutches and I saw a doctor near an ICU unit.

"Excuse me!" I called out and he turned round, starting to come towards us.

"What are you doing?" Harry whispered in my ear and I shook my head.

"Getting some answers," I said, and he nodded.

"How can I help you?" The doctor said, rubbing his eyes.

"Kate Burns," I said and he sighed.

"I already said that you can't see her," he said and I shook my head.

"Why not?" I asked and he looked at his watch.

"Only family can see her," he said.

"She doesn't have any family," I snapped, "that woman you didn't let see her, she has been like a mother to her, and I'm her fiancé so tell me again, why I can't see her?" I said and he sighed, angrily.

"Fine, you can see her, but only you," he mumbled, giving dirty looks at Harry and Liam.

"She's in room ten in the ICU," he murmured to me and then took off down the corridor.

"Will you be okay on your own?" Harry asked and I nodded.

I would need to be.

"We will be in the visitors suite, if you need us," Liam said and I nodded.

I managed to get down the ICU suite in the crutches until I found room ten. I struggled with trying to get the door open and when I did my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Kate had wires and tubes, sticking out of nearly every part of her body. I saw there was a seat beside the bed so I sat down on it, taking her cold hand, and tried to be careful not to disturb any of the wires or the tubes in her wrists and arms.

I didn't say anything. I didn't think I actually could. I couldn't get any actual words to function as I looked at the love of my life, lying there helpless in front of me. I found myself moving over every scar, every bruise, every mark she had on her body. There was a breathing tube in her mouth and it didn't me much access to her mouth, but I ran my thumb across her bottom lip softly.

My fingers drew down her arm, softly stroking over a few bruises and a scar she had. As it was the left side of her body I was sitting beside I reached back into my jeans pocket and lifted out the engagement ring again. I slipped it on to her ring finger scar fully, then brought her hand up to my mouth and I placed a gentle kiss on it.

"I love you," I whispered, and I felt tears sting my eyes.

"I need you to wake up," I said, and I realised how pathetic I sounded.

"Please, baby," I said, leaning forward and kissing her forehead.

A warm tear slid down my face and I cannot stop them now. Tears are freely falling down my face and I feel a pain deep within my chest. I touch my chest softly, and I'm so sick. I am so sick of not being able to do anything to help her. How the hell am I suppose to protect her if we get married, when I can't even do that when I've been her boyfriend?

I sighed, running my hands over my now wet face. I placed my head in my free hand, my other hand still gripping Kate's hand tightly.

When and if Kate woke up, I was going to make everything up to her. We will have a family. We will get married. She will have the family she never had.

I would make it up to her and I would sit and wait here forever for her to wake up, if I had to...



Just here to say that there is going to be one more chapter and then maybe a sequel???? The story is far from over...

Thank you for all who reads the book! I have so much fun writing it!!!

Thank you all again! Love you guys!!!!

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