Chapter 6

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I was woke up early next morning by Lou aggressively shaking my shoulder.

"Kate!" She shouted, ripping the warm duvet off my body, the cold air causing me to shiver.

"We're leaving in ten minutes!" She yelled, throwing some clothes onto my bed.


I jumped off the bed and quickly ran to the bathroom. I quickly squeezed some toothpaste on to my toothbrush, started brushing and paused to pull on socks and clean underwear. I ran back into the room, brushing furiously, paused again to pull on my jeans and a t-shirt and ran back to bathroom and rinsed my mouth. I dabbed powder over my face and pulled my dark hair up into a ponytail. I pulled a jacket on and packed up the rest of my things.

"Let's go!" Lou yelled, grabbing a suitcase as I slung a bag over my shoulder and wheeled a suitcase behind me.

This was my fifteenth show with the boys on tour. And apart from a couple of nights ago there has been no sign of trouble. And I liked it that way because then everyone was more relaxed and the boys were always up for a laugh. The other day, I was looking for the boys before they went on stage, walked into a dressing room and they had taped the door up with clear tape so I walked straight into it.

It took my three days to try and get the tape out of my hair.

"Niall!" I yelled, but laughed at the same time, "please, you need to let me do your hair!"

Every time Niall had sat down in the chair, he would then run away when I came any where near his hair. It was quite funny at first but it was five minutes to show time.

He finally came to his senses and sat down, smiling at me in the mirror. I rolled my eyes and started to massage his scalp.

Three and a half minutes later his hair was done and the boys were bundled out of the room by stylists and security.

I washed my hands, getting rid of the oil and hair that was stuck to my hands. Lou was standing at the door, with her arms crossed, smiling.

"What?" I said, drying my hands on a towel.

"How about you and me go watch the show," she said, nodding her head in the direction where the boys had headed.

I smiled but then it faded. Lou raised her eyebrows.

"What's the matter?" She asked, unfolding her arms.

"Shouldn't we stay here, incase of... you know..." I said, referring to what happened a few nights ago.

"No, they have doubled security, of not tripled it," she smiled and I nodded my head and then broke out in a run.

"Meet you there!" I yelled and I felt Lou hot on my heels and then she yelled.

"Wrong way!" She said, laughing. Great. I had ran past the arena doors. She held one open and we went in. We showed our passes and we stood with some members of security and stylists right to the side of the stage.

The lights went low and the doors slid upwards, lights flashing with every drum beat that was played. Girls were screaming, crying and holding on to each other, holding there posters up in the air. Then the lights dimmed for a final time and the arena was then illuminated when Liam started to sing.

The rest of the boys followed, waving at some girls in the front row. Niall came out and then he realised I was standing with the crew and he smiled and waved. I waved back and he joined in for the chorus with the other boys.

I was really enjoying myself. Sometimes Lou and I would hold hands and sing along to the music or hug eachother's neck, singing along to some songs.

Occasionaly, during songs, Niall would pull a funny face or wave at me and I would wave back.

During the end of Teenage Dirtbag, Harry caught my eye, skipping over to the edge of the stage to where Lou and I were watching. With a smirk plastered on his face, he flipped the top off two water bottles and drenched both me and Lou. I was in pure shock and so was Lou and we saw all five of the boys laughing at us. In the end, I eventually saw the funny side to it and laughed it off, so did Lou.

The lights went low again as the boys started to sing Summer Love. I was humming along silently, not completely knowing the words, when something caught my eye.

There was a man. At the higher tier of the arena, near an entrance door.

He wasn't doing anything. Just watching.

From what I could see he was average build and he was completely dressed in black. Like the guy who tried to attack me.

I tapped Lou's arm aggressively and she turned around.

"What?" She asked.

I nodded my head in the direction of where the guy was standing.

Lou squinted her eyes, trying to look in the dim lights. Her eyes opened wider when she saw the guy.

It turned on my heel, ready to go after him, when Lou grabbed my arm.

"Hey! You can't go running off, wouldn't you think it's strange that you have been alone with the bad guy not once but twice?"

I thought about this and nodded my head.

She was right it would look suspicious of I was caught at the scene, with the bad guy not once, but twice. I bit my fingernails, trying desperately to think of a solution.

But I couldn't think of one.

I had to go after him.

For the boys sake.

"Lou, I need to go!" I yelled over the music, when Paul heard me also.

"Where do you need to go?" Paul asked and my palms started to moisten.

"Uhhh, the bathroom!" I yelled, "I've been feeling really sick!" And Paul nodded, giving me permission to leave the arena.

I pulled Lou out the door with me and we quickly ran down a corridor to the dressing room.

"So what to we do now?" Lou said, slightly panicky, placing a hand to her head.

"Ummmm," I said, zipping open one of my suitcases. I rummaged through hairbrushes, oils and hairspray until I came across a small hand gun. I slipped it into my back pocket.

"I need you to back to the arena, so Paul doesn't suspect anything, tell him I'm still sick, I'm in the upstairs toilets because the downstairs ones are blocked,"

"But they are not?" Lou said, to me, and I brushed that thought off.

"They will be," I said, thinking of what needed to be done.

"Do you want me to give you ten minutes?" Lou said and I looked at her.


"I'll give you ten minutes to do whatever you need to do and then I can tell Paul I saw a guy acting suspicious and I think they should check it out?" She said, her voice going up two octaves higher with panic.

I nodded, opening the dressing room door. Lou grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Just be careful, okay?" She whispered and I nodded.

I turned to go, flexing the muscles in my leg and then turned around to Lou, remembering something.

"Lou, could you block the toilets down the corridor?" I asked.

Lou gave me a 'wtf' look.

"So my story of me using the upstairs toilets work out," I said, quickly and she nodded, taking off down the corridor.

I took a deep breath, inhaling air into my lungs, slowly letting it out from my mouth. Then I started running for the stairs.

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