Lions and Angel Wings (Jason McCann)

Start from the beginning

"It'll be okay, right? You're not gonna be in trouble, are you?"

"I won't be in trouble, but I might just take a bullet to the head if I'm late for this meeting which is highly likely because I can't get across town in ten minutes," he chuckled.

"I'm sorry," she said, now dropping her own things beside her. Jason looked at her, confused.

"This isn't your fault, babygirl- actually, you got me into art so technically, it is," he laughed once more but the grin left his face when he realised she wasn't laughing. "I'm joking, I lost track of time, it's all my fault."

"Be okay," she muttered and stood up as quickly as she could. He instantly walked over to her and took her in his secure embrace.

"Don't worry about me-"

"You said you're gonna be shot-"

"That was a joke, an insensitive one at that, I'm gonna be okay," he muttered. "I'll be home later tonight, don't wait up, okay?" he leaned down to look in her eyes and she nodded, although she knew she would be awake until she heard him come through the door, she always was.

"I love you," she whispered and before she could hear him say it back, his lips were on hers. Rough and sloppy kisses were left on her lips.

"I'll take you out tomorrow, wherever you wanna go," he muttered, and she knew he was only offering as a way to reassure her that he would be back that night.

"The art museum?" she said, a subtle smile on her lips suddenly.

"Again?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he complained.

"I've gotten you into making art, now I need to make you appreciate it," she chuckled, her hands clutching his chest. "Jason, you're gonna be late, go."

"Alright, alright," he said, his body jolting as though he'd just remembered he had to be somewhere. "I'll see you later," he hurried towards the bedroom door and he was gone. She was left alone and not certain if her boyfriend was coming back.


She'd stayed up the whole time Jason was gone, her skin itching as it got later and later, darker and darker, she knew if he wasn't home soon, it'd be getting lighter.

She threw herself into the world she'd created on her page; sunsets and waterfalls. She preferred it there rather than in reality, she knew it'd be different if Jason was here, she always loved being with him.

It was midnight when she heard the front door being unlocked and opened, and she felt the settling in her heart. He was okay.

She heard a sort of rustling that mixed in with the sound of his feet hitting each step as he took on the stairs. She waited for him to come through the door and when he did, she looked up at him. 

"Baby, I told you not to wait up," he sighed, looking at me helplessly.

"You tell me that every time. I always do," she said and the words caught in her throat; she hadn't spoken since he'd left six hours ago.

"Have you been okay?" he asked, looking around at the multiple pieces of paper scattered everywhere. He didn't look surprised.

She nodded and bit the inside of her cheek. Her eyes stayed on him as he walked over to the bed and sat down. The bag in his hand become dominant in her mind, but she tried not to look at it.

"I got something," he said, as though reading her mind. "I mean, I think it's for the both of us, but mainly for you. I was thinking about it, and I couldn't help but feed my curiosity. Luckily, I knew a guy," he chuckled. The bag sat on the bed now and she stared at it. "Have a look."

Justin Bieber/Jason McCann Imagines | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now