Chapter 7 I'm Not Sure Who I Am

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The last thing I truthfully remember from last night are piercing green eyes, and me shouting at someone.

"Morning." I roll my eyes because I know that voice.

"What do you want?"

"Harsh. Hey you're the one who asked me out." He puts his hands up in defense.

"I didn't ask you out! Now will you shut up my head hurts!" I rub my temples. Ugh I have a massive headache! I groan outloud.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes,and takes a seat beside me on the floor.

Harry throws a bag at me.

"Here, but you better fucking share!" I take a look at what he brought me. Food.

"Why did you bring me food?"

"Because you told me you were hungry." He gives me this "Duh" look.

"Thanks." I look in the bag to find chicken and dipping sauce.

"What is this?"

"Nandos, best place ever. Now give me some!"

I hand him some chicken. I moan at the taste.

Harry stares at me with no emotion, and the color drains from his face. It's not an awkward stare, but an emotionless one. Harry regains himself quickly and finishes his chicken in less than a minute.

"Well see ya." Harry stands to walk to the door, but I chase him before he can turn the knob.

"Wait!" I shout, he turns and the sun reflects off his lip ring making him look like an angelic apparition.


"Uh,uh." I race my brain to find words.

"You hardly, but sort of know who I am but I don't know who you really are." He looks confused.

"Well that's ok you or anyone else including me doesn't know who I am."

"What? I'm confused."

"If I don't even know who I am, how do you expect me to answer your question?"

My mind is racing with questions to ask him but the look in his eyes halts my actions. I remain silent, Harry speaks out.

"I'm not a normal person. Im a screwup, and interacting with a lot of people will make it worse for me and for them." My heart shatters at the way he talks about himself.

I must be crying because Harry walks over and runs his thumb over my cheek.

"Don't cry, its the truth ask anyone." He gives me a weak smile and walks out the door.

Ello loves:) I sadly have nothing to say except ONE DIRECTION!!! Follow me on Twitter @/ letmalikstyles1 byee:P

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings For You (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello story)Where stories live. Discover now