Chapter 16 The Fair/ Where the Heart Is

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I asked the lads to find someplace "exciting or fun" for me to take Cam.

So here we are at a bloody fair, where parents take their whining children. I tug at Cam's hand to drag her away from a mother scolding her child for "walking away from her." Hell I would've ran away from the bitch, so I don't blame the boy.

  "I feel bad for that little boy. I remember being scolded like that."

She pauses, and pushes a loose strand of hair from her face. "It was terribly embarrassing." A flag of pain covers her face while she stares at the child.

                   Cam's P.O.V

After the incident with Harry...being naked, I collected myself and well rested for a good 10 minutes. Harry insisted on taking me to a fair, not that I'm complaining. He looks miserable though.

While walking to a ride, we pass a mother yelling at her son. The boy resembles Harry. The child starts to cry, and my heart aches to comfort the random child. Memories of being yelled at flood my mind, and I desperately push them away. I rest my head on Harry's shoulder for somesort of comfort.

A tear falls from my eyes. Harry's strong yet gentle arms wrap themselves around my entire body, and I couldnt ask for anything better.

  "Sorry, I'm not sure why that made me emotional." I shrug, and bow my head. Harry's fingers hook around my chin and tilt it so that we both can make eye contact with one another. The simple gesture warms my heart.

  "It's one of the many things I" He pauses, as if to come up with the right word(s) to use. "I like about you." I smile at him. He leans down to kiss my lips. My heart jumps at the contact of his lips on mine. He moves beside me, and takes my hand in his.

                    Cam's P.O.V:

We have been here for two hours, and I'm slightly enjoying myself. The fair isn't as bad as I thought it would be, besides the bitchy parents yelling at their children. I mean leave them the hell alone, they are just being kids!

I watch as Cam orders cotton candy, and soda. Of course I gave her money, well my wallet.

I stand to my feet, when I see the worst gang in London.

Why the fuck are they here at a fair? Their leader Lucas, his name takes like shit rolling off my tounge, makes his way over to the food stand that Cam is at.

I pull my hood over my head to remain hidden, but I sure as hell will kick his boney ass if he says one word to Cam!

                  Cam's P.O.V:

As soon as I saw a little girl with cotton candy, I knew I had to get some.

I told Harry to sit on a bench and wait for me there while I get cotton candy, and soda "to rot our teeth out".

He shuttered at the thought that his "shiny white teeth might get ruined."

I rolled my eyes at his assumption, and laughed while I made my way to the food stand. He shoved his wallet in my hand before I had the chance to ask what type of drink he wanted, so Im just getting him Sprite like me.

As I wait in line I realize that I still haven't talked to Harry about us. I'm not sure why Im constantly pushing it to the back of my mind, when it is obviously important. I make a mental note to talk to him about it soon.

I feel a soft tug at my skirt. I look down to see a little girl with cotton candy in hand. I bend down to match her size, she is absolutely adorable!

  "Hiii! You're pretty, are you a princess?" I softly chuckle.

  "Well hello there sweety. Thank you, but sadly no I'm not a real princess, but I'm gonna tell you a secret." I look around to add dramatic effect, she does the same. I cup my hands around her ear. "On the inside every girl is a beautiful princess, just like you and me."

Her face brightens with excitement and happiness. I smile at her in awe at how one little thing can change a small child's point of view.She hugs my waist tightly, and hands me a piece of her pink cotton candy.

  "Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name, what is it?"

  "Darcy. What's yours?" Her smile is still bright and I admire her name.

  "Camilla but you can call me Cam."

She jumps up and down for no apparent reason, and I adore this child so much.

  "Darcy? Darcy! Darcy?"

  "Oh that's me mum. I better go, are we bestfriends?" My heart warms at her question.

  "Yes Darcy we are bestfriends."

I giggle at the term. She hugs me, and I hug her tightly as well. She waves goodbye on her way to her mother's side. Her mother carries her in her arms, and stares at her daughter with pure love and affection. I start to miss my mother more than ever.

                Harry's P.O.V:

That bastard Lucas left because "ah fuck this shit the line is too damn long! Let's go find some bitches!" Usually I don't care for the use of bad language, but we are at a fair, where there is small children. I shake my head at my sudden maturity, I guess Cam has turned me this way.

Cam returns with the food, and a bright smile that covers her beautiful face.

  "Why are you so happy?" I say with a smile, her happiness is somewhat contagious, and I'm not sure why.

  "I met this adorable little girl! She asked if I was a princess, and I told her that every girl is and the look on her face opened my eyes, that maybe I should be more childlike. She was so kind, and her mother looked at her with pure love. My mother always looked at me like that, and I'm starting to miss her terribly." Her sentences are run-on but she is speaking from her heart and that is all that matters to me right now. The way her eyes lit up as she spoke about a small girl, sends a wave of even more feelings for her that I can't describe. I pull her in for a hug, and I feel her heart racing from just talking about something that meant a lot to her, even if it was a random child. Her heart will be something that I know I won't be able to live without.

Thank you for the reads:) I love you guys! I'm going shopping at Deb tomorrow, then bowling with my family, and family's friends. I hope to update again tomorrow so get ready! Follow on instagram @/ camarryislife and my Twitter @/ letmalikstyles1 MWAH!!! :*

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings For You (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello story)Where stories live. Discover now