Chapter 43 Childhood and Teenage Days

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"Mami ¿has visto mi vesitdo de princessa?" (Mommy have you seen my princess dress?)
  "No, mi bebe no lo he hecho. ¿ Por que estas buscando tu vestido?" (No my baby I haven't. Why are you looking for your dress?)
  "We are having a dance at school, and Tommy asked me to go with him."
Mommy can speak English but its easier for her to speak Spanish.
  "Oh alright, but you're too young to have a boyfriend."
  "Mommy, I'm only 7 years old." I laugh and mommy does too.

                  1 Hour Later:
"Ok Camila be good! I'll see you in an hour, baby! I love you!" I wave goodbye to mommy as I walk into school.
My dress is aqua blue with gold designs on it, my hair is curled. I look and feel like a princess.
  "Camila, you look like a princess." Tommy says.
  "Thank you. You look like a handsome prince." Tommy bows and I courtsy.
  "Want to dance?" I nod. Tommy leads us to the middle of the dance floor.

                   8 Years Later:
My dress is a beautiful shade of turquoise/mint green blue, with gold "decorations" on it.
My quincenera is today, and I'm so excited.
  "Here princessa." My mom hands me a large box. I open it to find a tiara. "I know its not glamorous but I wore it to my quince."
Tears fill my eyes. I hug her tightly, never wanting to let go.
  "I wish your papi could be here."
  "Yeah I wish he just cared..."
  "Camila. He does care, bebe its just that he is just...difficult." She pauses. "When you find a boy trust me he will be difficult, but you will have to over look that."
  "Yeah but mama, he hurt us mentally and physically. You can't over look that, don't make excuses for him." She pushes a curl from my face.
  "You have become a women, you sound like one at least. You're right, but I love him and I can't help that. You're father has made mistakes, so many, and I realize that but he is still your papi. Alright?"
  "Yes, mama." I smile at her to lighten the mood.

While Tommy and I are dancing, I don't feel magic between us. There is something missing between us. I want to feel the rush and electricity when we touch. Tommy is president of the school, and is a straight A student. I'm missing something in my life, but I can't put my finger on it.

                (DNA LittleMix)

                    Now 2:00am:

I now realize that the thrill and that "something" that I was missing, was Harry. I felt that pull, and electricity when I saw him and the first time he touched me.

I need Harry in my life as much as I need air.

Before I know what I am doing my fingers are calling Harry's number.

  "Hello?" His voice is low and raspy which sends a shiver down my spine.

  "H-Harry..." My voice is quiet as a mouse and comes out as cry for help.

  "Who is this?"

  "C-Cam..." My voice fades.

The "hungup sound" comes into my ear.

  "Cam? What's wrong?" Tori asks. We decided it was best if she stayed here tonight.

  "H-Harry hungup on me." I start to sob, and bury my face in my hands.

Tori comes and sits beside me, hugging me from the side.

  "I'll be back." Tori says, and walks into one of the bedrooms. (We are in the livingroom)

                    Tori's P.O.V:


  "Niall James Horan, put Harry on the phone."

  "Tori? Are you alright, love?"

  "I'm fine, but put that son of a bitch on the phone!" I try to keep my voice quiet so that Cam doesn't have to hear me.

Scrambling is heard through the phone.

  "Hello?" Harry's voice fills the phone.

  "Why in the hell did you hang up on her? She just wants to talk to you!" He sighs.

  "It's 2 in the fucking morning do you think I wanna talk right now? I'm tired and I wanna freaking sleep!" His voice is loud, and I have to move the phone from my ear.

  "Look its not my fault you're cranky. It's not my fault you broke up with the girl that could help, and possibly change your life! Just let her talk to you, she needs you as much as you need her." I pause to catch my breathe. "Put my Nialler on the phone." He scoffs but hands the phone to Niall.

  "Hey babe sorry he yelled at you."

  "It's ok I had to let some steam off anyways." I shrug. "I miss you." He chuckles.

  "I miss you too, love. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" I smile at the sound of his voice.

  "Ok. I love you..."

  "I love you too, babe. Bye" I hang up the phone.

  "Was that Niall?" I turn around to see Cam rubbing her eyes from lack of sleep and crying.

  "Y-yeah that was Niall. I just called him because I miss him." I give her a weak smile.

  "You can go to him, I'm ok here. I know how it feels to be apart from someone, that you miss...especially that you don't want to be far from." Cam's words hurt my heart. She loves Harry that it hurts her so much, she can't live without him.

I've seen Cam get over a breakup without crying or acting like this, but I guess Harry is different.

  "Really you can go, I-I'm ok." She gives me a weak smile which makes her lip start to tremble, which makes her cry.

  "Cam I'm not going anywhere. Let's go to sleep though, its 2:30." I yawn and walk back to the piles of pillows and blankets.

I watch as Cam trudges through the large amount of comforters. She looks so tired, and drained.

I get out my phone and make a reminder
Take Cam to Club 21 tommorow night, but go shopping before!!

I look at my screen saver which is a picture of Niall, and I. I then turn my phone off and fall asleep.

Instagram: @/ camarryislife
Twitter: @/ letmalikstyles1

Hola bitches:P So what do you think of Harry breaking up with Cam? I think its sad:( but I'm updating as we speak:D I bought a little tiramisu cake yesterday for Harry's birthday and dayyyyummm it tasted so gooodddd!!!!!! I love you all!!!!! Vote/Comment/Follow!!!!!


I'm Not Sure of My Feelings For You (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello story)Where stories live. Discover now