Chapter 63 Relationships, and Games

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  (My Kind of Love Emeli Sande

     If I Were A Boy Beyonce)

"So you two talked it out?" Tori asks quietly while Rachel, her, and I are in a huddle.

  "Yeah for some weird reason we can't stay mad at eachother for a long time?"

  "I've never met people with your type of relationship." Tori says taking a drink from her glass.

  "Is that a bad thing?" My voice comes out shaky.

  "No, definitely no. It's just that you two have a love hate relationship, but in a crazier way." She says with a smile.

  "I only saw the two of you together once or twice but you both seem to love eachother very much. In the living room he yelled at you for...nothing." Rachel says quietly as well so that the boys upstairs don't hear us.

The three of us are downstairs in the basement watching Endless Love, while eating the left over food from tonight. It's 4 in the morning but we really don't care. The boys are upstairs in the living room, doing God knows what? We took their dope away from them so that is the one thing that they aren't doing.

  "Yeah I don't understand our relationship myself. We haven't been going out for that long, but we can't be without eachother...." I look at my screensaver on my phone, and smile to myself. "Alright let's start the movie." I say changing the subject.

                Harry's P.O.V:

The lads and I thought it would be good for us to get away from the girls for tonight. Cam and the others took mine and the lad's dope.

  "So how long have you and Rachel been going out or whatever?" Niall asks while trying to beat Louis at FIFA 14.

  "Eh...a week or two." He shrugs. " She's a great girl, but I hate being commited to something let alone someone." Louis says.

  "Well its not like your marrying her, mate." Zayn says finally looking up from his phone. He has been smiling at his phone for an hour, probably Perrie.

  "Yeah but you know how girls think. They want you to be committed to them, then later marry their asses. Like I'm not even cut out for dating." He pauses, beating Niall. "I mean ask Harry, Cam probably pesters him about marriage or other types of shit." All faces turn to me, and I can feel my cheeks getting slightly hot, I shake my head and answer his question.

  "Well Cam and I are still young." I shrug, wanting to move on from this topic, it brings me anxiety.

  "Well she is 20 and you are 21, perfect ages to get married." Louis says. "Liam and Danielle are older."

  "How many times do I have to tell you? Danielle and I broke up! It's just Sophia and I." Liam says rolling his eyes, his cheeks reddening.

  "Ah shutup Liam. We all know that you still have a thing for Danielle!" Niall says, and we all agree by shaking our heads.

  "Whatever..." Liam mumbles, smiling a bit.

  "So Harry do you think you and Cam will get married?" Louis asks.

  "No hell no! I don't like to settle down, I'm fine with what me and Cam are right now. I'm not sure that we would even call eachother a couple, we fight all the time and most of the time...well all of the time, its my fault." I take a breath after finishing my speech. "Can we drop it now?" I ask running my hand through my hair, frustrated.

                  Cam's P.O.V:

  "I wonder what the guys are doing?" I ask.

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings For You (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello story)Where stories live. Discover now