Chapter 75 Experiment?

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Ashley and I had to leave the party early along with everyone, because the landowner kicked everyone out.

Ashley, Greg, and I are now walking to a restaraunt. Greg has put Ashley and I on the right side of him away from the street, he is a true gentleman, I walk beside Greg, with Ashley on my other side.

  "Greg w-where are we going?" Ashley giggles, she is wasted, we have to get food into her system.

  "To get food, Cam and I are hungry plus food will save you from getting a terrible hangover tommorow." Greg rolls his eyes, no humor in his tone.

I have learned that Greg is two years older than Ashley and I, he has just turned 22. He is obviously annoyed and disappointed in Ashley's behavior tonight.

  "Cam where would you like to eat?" Greg asks me.

  "Anywhere is fine, but I am in the mood for Chinese." I smile and he laughs at my wording, I playfully punch him and he pretends to wince in pain. "You're a dork." I laugh and so does he.

                Harry's P.O.V:

  "James?" I stand there shocked as I open Niall's front door that was ringing a little bit ago. "What the hell do you want?" I stand there my fists balled at my side ready to punch the shit out of him.

  "Did you know Cam has left?" He asks but more like tells me, he has a straight face on no emotion besides a small frown.

  "What do you mean she left?" I ask, my heart pounding and I'm positively sure he is able to hear it.

  "To New York remember? Well I just wanted to drop this off, its a card apologizing for being a nuisance towards you." He smiles and all I want to do is slap it off of his face. He hands me the card and I take it, a small strawberry covers the front it reads "I'm Berry Sorry."

  "Clever huh? I thought it was cute, and well I really am sorry." He says scratching the back of his neck. I stare at him for a second, and lean the side of my head onto the doorway.

  "Not that this is an issue or problem but one question...are you gay?" I ask him and he laughs. "I have friends that are so it doesnt bug me."

  "No I'm not, just a bit sensitive towards certain things. It's funny my ex asked me the same thing." He laughs shaking his head. "You might be a dick, but you're funny. I'll see ya, mate." He laughs going into his car, leaving me dumbfounded.

  "Who was that?" Tori asks coming from the kitchen cleaning her hands off with a dish rag.

  "That fucker James...where is Cam?" I look at her, her eyes widen and I surprisingly wait patiently for her to answer me. Instead of being as calm as I am, surprising to me too, she runs dropping the cloth.

I chase her up and down the stairs and throughout the house, she's lucky that I haven't been working out in two days other wise I would've caughten her already.

  "Tori!" I shout at her. Niall limps down the stairs, with his wrist crutches, how he sprained his knee God only knows.

Niall catches Tori holding her to his chest. "Whoa, whoa, whoa...what happened?" He asks, Tori and i both out of breath.

  " fast." I say between breaths. "Two...she won't...fucking tell me where...she is" I say still out of breath.

Niall turns Tori around to face me, holding her by her shoulders. She turns to look at him, but he raises his brow and she slowly turns her head back around glaring at me.

  "Now Tori, why won't you tell Harry where Cam is?" Niall asks calmly.

  "It's none of his business, he chose to be out of her life so that's the way it should be." She says through her teeth, glaring at me.

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings For You (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello story)Where stories live. Discover now