Chapter 35 Mi Familia

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We pull up to my uncle's house, I guess. My heart is pounding. My mom texted me saying that my whole family is already there. Another thing she didn't tell me!

We get out the car.

  "Ready?" Harry asks me.

  "Sure..." My voice fades in the summer breeze. Harry and I walk hand in hand up to the house.

Harry walks to the front door, I grab his hand and lead him to the back gate. He looks confused.

  "They won't answer. You have to enter through the back gate." I shrug, because I've had a lot of experience.

"I'm going to tell you this now. Brace yourself! My uncles might be drunk, if they are ignore them. My aunts might be breastfeeding, and they don't mind to let it out. The music is loud, remember you asked me what that noise was well its the music." We could hear it from miles away! Just like Niall's house. "Ok just stick by me. I sound like your boyfriend." I laugh, and Harry looks...scared. Nah.

  Gasolina Daddy Yankee

  Stand By Me Prince Royce

  Dos Locos Munchy y Alexandra


"Camila bienvenida a mi sobrina te ves hermosa!"

                   Harry's P.O.V:

"Camila bienvenida a mi sobrina te ves hermosa!" (Camila welcome my niece, you are beautiful.) I'm not sure what that means, but it makes Cam smile.

  " Gracias tio!" (Thank you uncle!)Cam shouts over the music. Her uncle looks at me.

  "¿Quien es este chico con usted?" (Who is this boy with you?) Cam's uncle asks.

  "Mi novio Harry." (My boyfriend Harry) Cam smiles up at me, and I return it with a smile. I stretch my hand to her uncle he looks at it then shakes it. Cam lets out a breath that I guess she was holding.

  "¿Donde esta mi mama?" (Where is my mom?) Cam asks. Maybe she is asking for her mom? Her uncle points to the house. Cam kisses her uncle on the cheek.

  "Cuando haya terminado de hablar con tu mama comer, beber, y largate!" (When you are finished talking to your mom eat, drink, and get the hell out!)

                    Cam's P.O.V:

  We make our way into the house passing people I will have to greet later. My aunts crowd around my mom, while she cooks.

  "Mama!" The music is too damn loud! I grip Harry's hand, and pull his body closer to me. My aunts along, with my mom turn around to face Harry and I. The shock on my moms face could make me laugh, but also bring me to tears. She walks toward me taking my face in her hands.

  "Camila mi bebe viene aqui." (Camila my baby come here)I let her hold me, she is still my mom and I miss her motherly hold. She pulls away and holds me by my shoulders, to take a look at me. "Te ves hermosa, preciosa." (You are/look beautiful)She wipes a tear from her eye. She is so dramatic, but I love her.

  "Gracias Mama." (Thanks mom) Harry coughs behind me. "Don't worry I didn't forget you." I whisper to Harry, and gently pull him to stand beside me. I hold his hand tight.

  "Mami este es mi novio Harry. El es muy especial para mi." (Mommy this is my boyfriend Harry. He is very special to me.) She looks at him, and then at me. She walks toward him, leaving a few feet between them. I squeeze Harry's hand to make him less nervous but I think I'm more nervous than he is.

My mom takes his and my hand. Gently she stretches our arms out, placing our hands on top of eachother.

  "Asi que tu eres el chico que le robo el corazon a mi de Camila?" (So you're the boy that stole my Camila's heart?) Harry looks confused. I repeat it in English and Harry nods. She looks at me and I smile at her, she smiles back at me. "Si prometes cuidar si mi bebe, tienes mi bendicion." (If you promise to take care of my baby, you have my blessing.) I repeat it in English to him. Her voice is soft and loving, it holds no judgement. "Estas muy guapo no es asi." (You are very handsome aren't you.) I laugh and Harry just laughs along even though he has no idea what she just said, which makes me laugh even more.

                  Harry's P.O.V:

  Some of Cam's cousins have flirted with me and all she had to do was scream to them "Obtener el infierno fuera de aqui! ¡Perra!" (Get the hell outta here! Bitch!) When she finally told me what it meant I laughed my ass off.

  I drank a couple shots of tequila. Cam sneaked a couple into her system, my girl can drink! When her mom came over she quickly shoved a mint in her mouth to hide the alcohol stench.

Her uncles are really cool, they keep giving me shots. Cam was worried because I drank a lot, but I can handle it.

  We stayed at her uncle's house till 4 in the morning. My eyes are burning from the lack of sleep. Cam of course fell asleep in the car, I have become fond of her sleeping in my car.

Angel Cody Simpson

While carrying her up the stairs I think of all the things that this beautiful girl has done for me.

She saved me

She showed me what it feels like to be loved.

And last of all she entered my life. No matter how many times I say it this girl is perfect to me. Cam is my angel.

Instagram: @/ camarryislife
Twitter: @/ letmalikstyles1

Hello long chapter ok I got to go love you guys. byeee :*

  I'm Mexican so this is kinda what really happens at a party so I'm not being racist.

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