Chapter 37 I'll Miss You (Continued)

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Tori pulls up to the spa, and my day instantly brightens. Through the whole drive I was mopeing because I missed Harry, even though I just saw him.

"We're here!" Tori lightly shouts. I laugh at her enthusiasm. We get out the car, and walk into the spa.

  "Hello, how may I help you?" A bubbly blonde asks us. Tori shows her a piece of paper, the girl examines it, and leads us to chairs.

I take the far right chair, and Tori takes the one beside mine. Sadly, the bubbly blonde will be taking care of me, while Tori gets a laid back brunette.

  "So girls what is on your agenda today?" The blonde tries to make conversation. Tori and I look at eachother, I mouth to Tori "you answer."

  "The mall after this, and then maybe lunch or dinner." Tori answers the annoying blonde.

The blonde start to clean, and scrub my feet. The brunette is silent, while doing Tori's feet. I feel bad, and I can sense that Tori does too. Tori looks at me, and then at the girl then back at me. I mouth "talk to her" to Tori.

                   Tori's P.O.V:
  "Hi I'm Tori, what's your name?" I ask the silent brunette. She stops working on my foot, and looks up at me.

  "My name is Amber." She gives me a polite smile, then dries her hands on a towel. "I know Niall..." Her voice trails off at the end. Her eyes are a bright green, which are turning glossy.

  "Oh. How do you know Niall?"

  "We used to go out. I was in love with him. He broke up with me because he met someone else." I pity this girl. She can't feel Niall's arms around her, or feel his love. I give her a weak smile.

  "I'm sorry...Amber." I mean it. She seems like a nice girl.

  "Can you tell Niall, that I'm sorry for whatever I did to make him leave me?"

  "Yes I'll tell him." The conversation has turned awkward. I feel strange for talking about my boyfriend to Niall's exe.

I look to Cam for help, all she does is shrugs. She can't do anything anyways.

                  Cam's P.O.V:

Tori is obviously uncomfortable, because of Amber.

Now Tori is getting a facial, while now I'm on my way to get a wax.

The only reason that I considered getting a wax is because of Harry. Harry (I guess) is already "attracted" to me, but to continue that I want to do whatever I can.

I take my clothes off and lay on my stomach.

  "Hello. I will be waxing you today." Her voice is sweet, she sounds like she's 12, but when I look she is about 30. "Now this may hurt, or you might feel a burn but I assure you it will disappear. I apologize in advance."

I feel the lady put a piece of waxing "paper" on my back. Two seconds later she rips the paper off. I whimper. I'm not sure why I decided to wax my back because well there is no hair! Just in case though.

For the next hour I scream, and whimper. I got my upperlip, legs, back, butt, stomach, arms,(chest? not sure why?) done. Along with a Brazilian wax, that was fun. *note sarcasm*

I walk out walking strange because my whole body hurts. Tori giggles when she sees me.

  "Hahaha. Funny." I state flatly, but also jokingly.

Tori and I walk to the hairstylist chair, and await our person to wait on us.

  "Hi guys my name is Carmen. I will be doing your hair." A guy says. He is gay but I love him even though I don't know him. His hair has highlights, and he is baby adorable!

He starts with my hair, touching it and telling me what would look good.

  "How about a trim. With lighter brown highlights? So that you won't be able to see them?" I like the idea so I nod my head.

                     2 Hours Later

Tori looks stunning, and I look good. Tori told me I look like a celebrity, but I was never one to believe compliments, so it just shrugs off my shoulders. I at least hope Harry likes the change.

                  4 Hours Later

On the drive back to the house Tori gets a call from Niall. I'm not sure what he said but Tori was smiling through the whole conversation with stars in her eyes. Even after Tori hangs up the phone, she is still smiling. Tori and Niall's relationship is the most cutest thing that I have ever encountered. They both are funny, sweet, and...well blonde. Tori loves Niall, and I hope he doesn't hurt her even though I'm quite sure he won't.

Tori pulls up infront of the beachhouse. She turns the music down.

  "Thanks Cam. I really missed hanging out with you." Tori gives me a hug over the console. Her shiny blonde hair covers my face, we laugh while we pull away. Tori moves her hair to one side.

  "Well I better go. Gotta carry all these bags to our house." Tori gives me a raised brow.

  "Our? As in Harry and your house?" She smirks at me. "Don't worry about the bags." She beeps the horn. Suddenly 5 boys run down the hill to Tori's car. Harry is the first to run out. As they are coming down the hill Louis rolls down the hill along with Niall, which make Tori and I giggle. Harry accidentally trips over Louis and falls rolling down the hill. I gasp, until I look closer to see Harry laughing. Zayn and Liam are just pointing, and laughing at their friends.

  "These are our boys..." Tori says while laughing. I look at the 5 idiots laughing at eachother. Then my eyes find Harry laughing dimples and all.

  "And I couldn't be more grateful..."

Instagram: @/ camarryislife
Twitter: @/ letmalikstyles1

Hello lovies! I'm gonna call you that from now on, ok? So I took my test today and the fucking teacher sent me to the wrong class! So it was embarrassing when she was like (infront of kids from other schools!) "Sweetheart you are actually supposed to be in this class." Well bitch you sent me here! So she took me to a class with only 3 people including me. So one girl, this cute boy, and me. So fun.

So I love you all:* Follow/Vote/Comment

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings For You (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello story)Where stories live. Discover now