Chapter 23 The Talk, and Lies

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As Vanessa and I drive to this restaurant, I try to keep my distance from her.

  "Remember our first date?" She laughs at the memory, and I try to remember. "My dad was so pissed that you were taking me out. So I told you to act like a thug. You came dressed in all black, with disgusting clothes on."

She smiles at the memory, I awkwardly smile back at her.

  "You've changed, Harry..." I wasnt always a "badboy" I used to be a nerdy schoolboy or whatever. "It's the girl isn't it?"

  "Oh look we're here." I change the subject.

                 Cam's P.O.V:

Darcy wanted to make cookies, so I'm rummiging through these cupboards trying to find ingredients.

My heart has a numbness to it, and something about Darcy, and Vanessa doesn't feel right. I brush off any assumptions that I have of the two, and put a smile on my face.

  "Cam! Where's my mummy?" Darcy walks in rubbing her eyes from either being tired or crying. I reach out to pick her up, and place her on my hip.

I want to question Darcy, but I remind myself that she is only 1 or 2 years old. I have to see what type of information is in that tiny head of her's.

  "Darcy? How do you know Harry?" I was about to say my boyfriend, but I'm still not quite sure of Harry and I's relationship.

  "Harry?" Her face twists in confusion and its adorable.

  "The boy that was here, and left with your mommy."

  "Oh him! Yeah he's my daddy." She pops a piece of cookie dough into her mouth.

My world freezes, and the numbness in my heart has been replaced with brokenness. It all makes sense now! Vanessa and Harry talking as if they knew eachother for awhile. Harry asking me to watch Darcy, while he can go and "talk" with her mother.

They are probably talking about how cute their baby is, and maybe even are going to make more soon. How could Harry not fucking tell me about this VERY IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION?

Darcy wiggles out of my grip, and I can't blame this child for having disgusting "parents.

  "Darcy I'll be back." I run grab my phone and call the only person that will be there for me.


  "Tori I need your help!" I give her my address.

  "I'm on my way." She has a determined tone, and that is what I love about Tori, she will drop anything and help you.

                  Harry's P.O.V:

"Harry I have to tell you something." Her voices fades off, and I recognize that look. It's the exact same look she gave me when she told me that she was...pregnant.

  "D-Darcy isn't your's." Her voice trails off.



  "I heard what you fucking said!" I cut her off, and hold my hand infront of me to silence her.

  "Why in bloody hell would you lie to me about that type of big shit?" She starts to cry but I could'nt give a fuck.

  "I-I'm sorry its just I knew you were going to leave me if you knew that I cheated on you. I loved you Harry."

  "Well if you fucking loved me why in the hell did you fuck someone that wasn't me? Huh?" My temper has a mind of its own at this point, and I let it have its way.

She reaches for my hand, but I jerk it away before she can touch me.

  "You disgust me!" I walk out the restaraunt.

       (Give Me Love Ed Sheeran)

                    Cam's P.O.V:

My tears get the best of me, and I can hardly see the road. The songs that are playing aren't helping my mood at this moment. I can't believe Harry didn't tell me this.

I get it he has a past, but shit like this I wanna fucking know about! I never swore, and the way he makes me feel makes me this way.

Harry's name floods my mind. The dream is bullshit! How can he say that he loves me if he can't even tell me about his past? What if he killed someone? Because he is in a gang.

A bunch of things that Harry could've done enter my brain and I just want to get rid of them.


Vanessa I never liked her. But thank God for Tori ;) Poor Darcy to have a mother lie to her about who her father is! Ugh anyways I have a two hour delay tommorow because of a water main break but they said maybe they will call us and we might have off again. That is good cuz my school is a piece of shit full if rich snobby ass people.

Anyways Follow on IG @/ camarryislife and Twitter @/ letmalikstyles1

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings For You (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello story)Where stories live. Discover now