Chapter 30 We Have to Talk, Now.

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(Songs to listen to for this chapter)

Endlessly The Cab

Carry You Union J

Hung Up Hot Chelle Rae

It takes me a few minutes to come up with the right words to start "the talk" with Harry.

  "Harry can I talk to you?" Screw it, I don't have the time. He looks at me from the corner of his eye.

  "Yea, babe?" His voice is quiet, yet it holds an emotion that I can't put my finger on. I take a deep breath.

  "What are we? I mean like relationship wise? This whole "us" thing is really confusing, I know you said that you love me, but that isn't enough. I'm sorry for saying that but can you help me because my brain is going to explode, Harry." My voice is strong. We both sigh in unison. Harry runs his hand through his slightly quiffed hair.

  "Cam I don't fucking know. I love you, and that's all I really know. I'm not the boyfriend type, alright? The only relationship, besides you, was with Vanessa. What do you want from me? I can't give you nice things, or give you what you need!" Harry pulls the car over, and turns to face me. I cup his cheeks in my hands, his face is warm.

  "Harry I don't need nice things...all I need is you." I hope that those words alone with help him understand how I feel about him.

  "But you deserve nice shit! Like diamonds, and "pretty" girly shit like that! Your whole deminer costs a million dollars!" He pauses, and takes my hands in his. "Cam...I just really love you, and I can't explain it. Your simple touch relaxes me. Your heart is so beautiful, and I want you to be mine...forever." Tears fall from my eyes.

  "Harry you might not think that you are able to explain your feelings for me, but you just did." Sort of. "Harry just knowing that you are trying means the world to me, and I love you for that." I caress his cheek, and he closes his eyes at my touch. "It did hurt me that you told your father that I wasn't your girlfriend. Especially because you brought me to meet him."

  "I know, love. It wasn't his business anyways." I hate the way that Harry speaks about his father. I want to tell him that he is lucky that he even has a father, but I keep my mouth shut. "I'll call him later. Cam?" I give my full attention to him. "Will you uhm-uh..." I giggle

  "Ya Harry ill be your girlfriend." His face lights up, and his smile I'd wide. I poke at his deep dimples, which causes him to chuckle.

                 Harry's P.O.V:

On our way to Niall's party Cam just stares out the window.

  "Harry where are we going?"

  "To Niall's party."

  "I though that was just an excuse?"

  "It was but then Niall texted me, and he's actually having a party."

  "Oh ok. Is this outfit ok? I usually don't care about what I'm wearing, but I'm in a different country, and I want to appear "nice" to people." I roll my eyes.

  "Babe ill hurt em if they say something to you, ok? And if I'm not there, and if you don't hear them then fuck'em!" She nods with a smile forcing to show. She is just so adorable, and don't think she even realizes it.

Hello lovelies! How are you today? I woke up today, and felt great:) (which hardly ever happens) So I want to talk about anorexia which is an eating disorder (for those that didn't know) I have a lot of friends with the disorder, and it breaks my heart to see them this way. If you have a friend like this help them. They need your support.

So my bestfriend and I aren't close anymore thanks to this annoying bitch. So I'm upset about that because we have been bestfriends since 1st grade. It hurts, so hug your bestie tight, and never let go.

I love you guys so much! :*

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings For You (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello story)Where stories live. Discover now