When all Go's Wrong

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Blane's anger frightened everyone in the spacious dining room, even the Laird stiffened and held his breath when he watched his son march over to where the child molester stood.

"Are the allegations true, have you touched the children  inappropriately?"

The child molester tried to hold himself composed, but when he lifted his head back and looked into Blane's cold and dangerous eyes, he started to shake. "They are false!" He declared, failing to hold his fear from showing, but he was not about to admit to the truth and be hung for it.

"Liar!" Asia yelled, and pulled her aching body to her feet, "you will rot in hell for your sins!"

"Stud!" Blane yelled over his shoulders at her, before he turned his attention back to the guilty warrior, "If I find that you are guilty of the accusations made against you, you will receive the worst punishment in the history of my people. The McNeal's do not tolerate child molesters under their roof or on their land!"

All the blood drained from the guilty warriors face, he was in trouble and he knew it. His eyes quickly scanned the huge room for a possibly get away.

Walking up to the young, blonde servant who had tears gliding down her face, Blane pointed a finger at the guilty warrior and asked in a gentle voice, "Did this man touch you inappropriately?"

Tears of shame rolled down the young servant face, and Blane got his answer. "You will hang in two moons," he said to the guilty warrior in a cold and hoarse voice, "and let this be a lesson to everyone, the McNeal household does not tolerate any kind of abuse toward our servants especially children!"

It took five of the strongest warriors to grab the guilty warrior and drag him away.

"You will pay for what you have done bitch!" The warrior hissed as he was pulled away.

Asia shuddered when she heard his threat, but she knew that she had done the right thing by revealing the truth. Lifting her head back, her eyes locked with Blane's piercing gaze and for a moment she could have sworn that they had softened up and were full of love, but quickly they turned cold as ice and when he spoke, Asia could feel the hatred seething from his heart.

"Mind your tongue and behave like a servant which is your place in this household, if you choose to ignore my warnings you too shall be punished accordingly!"

The Druidess was shocked that Blane ignored the fact that she had turned in a child molester,  he showed no gratitude and had the balls to threaten her. "I am not your slave and I will do as I please!" Asia raised her chin and her eyes pierced into is.

There was a gasp around the room and Pracheeta who suspected that Asia had just dug her own grave called out, "Asia please, my father has given my brother authority over the McNeal clan, he will crucify you if you don't stop! Please I beg of you, hold your tongue until Kainaaz comes back and speaks of your families innocence."

"Your brother might have authority over the entire McNeal clan but I am a Macalister and do not take orders from a McNeal!" Asia spitted out viciously. And after saying  those words and shocking everyone in the dining area, Asia pulled out her apron, threw it on the marble floor and stalked off.

Every women in the dining area including Pracheeta and April admired her courage, but they feared for her safety knowing that Blane will teach her a lesson she will never forget.

Blane's nostrils flared and his hands turned to fists at his sides. The wench was going to be taught a lesson once and for all, he thought as he walked up from behind her, grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulders. Ignoring her kicks and her screams, the Druid climbed up the long staircase and marched over to his bedchamber, where he kicked the door open angrily and walked over to the bed.

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now