Secrets and Lies

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The Blacksmith lay the unconscious, young maiden gently on his feathered mattress, not caring that she was full of blood and dirt, not caring in the least bit that his rich, ivory satin sheets were now soiled by a beautiful stranger.

Pulling the sheet over her body slowly, his hungry eyes took in every inch of her. Where had he seen her before, he wondered, she looked familiar, but surly he wouldn't forget a face like hers had he seen her before. Mayhap she was a Nymth, he wondered, or a Fate.

In all his ten thousand years of life, the warrior Fay had never seen a more beautiful vision such as she before, and although he had sworn off giving his heart to any one woman, he knew instantly from the moment he found her that she was special. Who was this woman that had stolen his heart, and what was she?

Raking his fingers through his thick mane of golden hair, the blacksmith pondered for a second the fact that he had seen her before, but why then could he not remember where or when? This was not like him, he remembered everything from the moment he was born, it was one of his many talents that he was gifted with.

The Fay warrior raked his brain for the slightest recognition, but was unsuccessful. He couldn't even read her mind and get into her dreams! It was as if she had magic of her own to ward him off,

"Where is the lovely creature you have brought home that the servants are all excited about, let me see her, son." The Blacksmith's beautiful mother said, as she walked in the chambers and headed straight to the bed excitedly. It wasn't everyday that her son brought home a woman, and a lovely one at that!

The blacksmith whirled around and looked at his mother as she bent over the young, unconscious woman and checked her out. "Mother, not too close, she might awaken and I don't want her to be frightened, we are strangers to her and she might cry out with fear."

His mother kept silent as she pulled herself away from the bedside, her suspicions were correct, she is the one. "Call me immediately when she awakens and I shall send in help to clean her up. I suspect she will be in pain when she opens her eyes, so I will blend the healing medicine and have it ready." She said as she made her way out of her son's chambers.


Lady Mara ran down the hall as fast as her dainty feet could take her. "Oh my, oh my, 'tis the Light of the world, 'tis Alana!" She panted as she opened the door and entered inside her chambers. Her servant who followed close behind her shut the door and waited for instructions.

"Collie, listen carefully to what I tell you," lady Mara said, and placed her hands on Collie's shoulders, "you must run a message to my sister immediately, but make sure no one follows you. Give the message to my sister and tell her to destroy it after she reads it. Stay with her to witness that the message gets destroyed and only then you can leave and return, is that clear?"

Collie did not miss the desperation in her mistress's voice, nor did she fail to see the glint in her golden eyes that glittered like diamonds. "Aye, I shall do as you ask." She replied, eager to please her mistress who has been kind to her and her family.

With trembling fingers, lady Mara wrote the note and sealed it with hot wax before she handed it over to the servant. "Guard this with your life, for if anyone other than my sister reads this, they will be cursed, do you understand this Collie?"

"Yes my lady, I do." Collie whispered back, her eyes opened wide as an owls and her heart pounded wildly against her chest knowing that she was entrusted with a powerful message that held magic. "I swear on my life I shall not allow anyone to read this message except for your sister!"

"Go now, and come find me upon your return, I shall be waiting for you!" Lady Mara said gently, and watched as the Collie left her room as swiftly as she had come.

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