Aries (f) x Sagittarius (m)

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Aries and Sagittarius were at Sagittarius' house playing video games. Aries was sleeping overnight.

"I'm beating you!" cheered Aries. They were playing Mario Kart.

"WHAT?" Sagittarius watched as a red shell hit his kart, Aries speeding past him. "I'll get you back for that."

Sagittarius used his blue shell. Before it hit Aries, her kart bumped into Sagittarius' kart so they were both affected. In the end, Aries crossed the finish line before Sagittarius.

"That was fun!" Aries slumped from exhaustion.

"Yeah. What do you want to do now?"

"Hmm... I'm kind of hungry."

"Me too." Sagittarius and Aries walked into the kitchen. "Chocolate chip cookies?"

Aries grinned. "Sure."

Sagittarius gave them both three cookies each. Then he poured two glasses of Mountain Dew.

"Thank you."

Sagittarius clinked his glass against Aries'. "You're welcome. Cheers!"

"So, what do you want to do after we're done eating?"

"How about either rock band or just dance?"

"Such a child."

"You enjoy these games too!"

"How about rock band?"



After they were done eating, Aries and Sagittarius set up rock band.

"I call dibs on the guitar." Aries snatched it from the closet.

"It's okay. I'm better with the drums anyway." Sagittarius set up his drums, then they started playing.

"Woah you're going on hard mode?"

"Yeah. I can almost do expert on drums."

"That's cool. I'm going to try hard too."

"Okay. But if you fail us, I'll tickle you!"

"Deal." They selected a song and started playing. Sagittarius was amazing at it while Aries was struggling.


"Stop. You're making me laugh and that's making me mess up!" Aries failed and Sagittarius had to save her.

"Remember I can only save you three times."

"Don't worry it won't happen again."

"... Did you seriously just fail again? It wasn't even ten seconds."


Eventually, they barely completed the song.

"You failed. Tickle time."

"Don't tickle me! Let's play just dance instead!"

"Fine." Sagittarius set up an old version of Just Dance.

"This song!" Aries grinned at a silly song.

"Huh? The fruit one?"

"Yes." Aries selected the strawberry character. Sagittarius selected the banana. Then the people on the screen started to dance. Aries and Sagittarius copied the movements of the characters they selected.

"What song is this?"

"In the summer time~" sang Aries.

"This is so silly."

"That's why it's awesome."

At the end, Sagittarius ended up winning. "Never mind I love that song."

"I thought you would."

"It's getting late. How about one more song?"

"Alright. You pick."

"This one."

"Okay." They selected the song and started dancing. "You know at the end I have to jump into your arms... right?"

"I'll try not to drop you."

At the end of the song, Aries jumped in Sagittarius' arms. He caught her.

"That was fun," cheered Aries.

"Sure was." They both noticed how close their faces were, and they both looked away blushing. "So, let's pull the mattress in here."

Sagittarius and Aries carried the mattress to the living room. Sagittarius went to the closet and got pillows and blankets for Aries. Aries slept on the mattress while Sagittarius decided to sleep on the couch.


Early in the morning, Sagittarius woke up. He fell off the couch in his sleep and right now he was laying on top of Aries. Before he could jump off her, Aries woke up too and blushed. "What's-"

"I must've fell off the couch in my sleep." Sagittarius went to get off of her, but Aries pulled him back down.

"It's alright."



"I... I think I really like you."

Aries smiled. "I like you too." Then they kissed.

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