Chapter 41-Make A Wish

Start from the beginning

He steps back, almost shocked that my attitude has changed so suddenly. I'm just really upset and under a lot of pressure so I'm really confused and he just has to understand that sometimes I need to go through things alone. I turn back around to my closet and sigh, only to hear the sound of footsteps exiting my room. 

"Knock knock," I hear Eleanor's voice greet, "care for some company? And maybe a little assistance?"

"Hey," I smile, "I need to talk to you about something."

And suddenly, her face goes pale from fright.

*Harry's POV*

This is what I hate about girls. They turn into a bitch and then always yell that they're fine when we all damn well know they're not. They're always hiding something. Why can't they just be open for discussion like guys are?

I walk down the stairs to see the boys in the living room surrounding a giant box, wrapping it.

"What's all this?" I ask curiously as I approach them.

"We're wrapping Liz's birthday present!" Louis calls.

Oh shit....

"Her.......birthday........present?" I choke nervously as a feel a lump in my throat begin to form.

"You forgot didn't you?" Niall glares as he turns around to face me, a scowl forming on his face.

"I've had other things on my mind," I sigh as I walk over and take a seat on the couch to watch the boys work, "what'd you get her anyway?"

"Something," Liam mutters grumpily as he continues taping up the corners of the box to make sure a hole doesn't form.

I'm happy to be back with her, but I know something's going on with her because she's not acting like herself. I look around the room as I think of ideas as to why she's being a bitch but I can't seem to think of any. I know she's not pregnant. She hasn't had sex with anybody recently so that's out of the question. As I begin to think of another idea, my thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sound of knocking on the front door.

"You'll get it," Zayn tells me.

"Why me-" I begin to ask, but then stop when all the other boys are glaring at me as well to get it, "I'll get it..."

I walk over to the front door and open it, only to find my sister with Dylan and Daisy. I immediately scoop them up and begin giving them hugs and kisses galore, only to remember that I still haven't even acknowledged my sister.

"Hey Gem," I smile, "what are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to see my little brother and sister-in-law," she smiles.

Oh, Liz.

"You seem upset," she notices.

"It's Liz. She's all moody and bitchy but I don't know why."

"Harry," Louis sighs, "I'm not a rocket scientist or anything but do you think the girl's just on her period or something? I mean my sister's get like that all the time."

"See this is exactly why she needs to tell me these things. Because otherwise I'm gonna panic," I sigh as I throw my hands in the air in frustration.

"Or maybe she's mad that someone-I'm not gonna say who, even though we all know it was Harry-" Niall begins.

"Get to the point!" I growl through my teeth, feeling frustrated.

"Forgot her birthday. Maybe she's pissed that you haven't said something about it yet."

"You forgot her birthday?!?" Gemma barks angrily, "well no wonder she's been such a bitch to you!"

"I didn't mean to! I'm just so......stressed. It's not my fault!"

"Yes it is," Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Gemma correct me.

"Well then....." I mumble.

*Liz's POV*

"You need to tell him," Eleanor states, "otherwise you'll be pissed at him-"

"What am I supposed to say?!? 'Hey, don't forget to buy me a birthday present'?"

"Just drop hints to him. He should catch on eventually."

"OK.... If I tell you something do you promise to keep it to yourself?" 


I look down at my feet, and then look up at my stomach and begin to pull down my shirt to distract myself. I look back up at Eleanor to see that she's waiting for me to say what I have to say. I can't tell her first, even though she's my best friend. 

"Never mind. I realized it's not important. Don't worry," I shake my head, brushing it off as though it never happened.

"Are you sure? You don't want to tell me about how you're pregnant or anything?" She cocks an eyebrow, knowing she may be onto something.

"I'm not pregnant," I state plainly, "I need a drink."

I quickly walk out of my bedroom and pop into the bathroom for a second, locking the door behind me. Pulling out my phone, I decide to send Liam a text message.

From: Liz

I need to talk to you. Alone.

From: Liam

Oh god what happened?

From: Liz


To pretend as though I actually came into the bathroom for a reason, I flush the toilet even though no business has been done in there.  I open the bathroom door and head downstairs, only to find tears brought to my eyes. 

"DYLAN! DAISY!" I cheer excitedly as the rush into my arms.

I scoop them both up as my happy tears drip onto their clothing but I don't care. 

"I've missed you guys so much," I whisper as I nuzzle my face into their jackets happily. 

A few moments later I feel a soft tap on my shoulder, so I turn around to see Liam, waiting for me to talk to him. I see Harry glance over at the two of us protectively, so I put Dylan and Daisy down to distract him from me. Liam crosses his arms with an afraid look on his face.

"Before you say what you have to say. I'd like to know why you're discussing this with me and not Harry," Liam begins.

I pause before letting out a sigh and hanging my head down low, "because you're the last person that I had sex with."

Those are the only words that I need to say before Liam's face turns a ghostly white. He gulps before uncrossing his arms and staring at me softly.

"W-what's the matter?" He asks, afraid.

"I-I'm late," I choke before a lone tear falls down my cheek.

Trapped 6: Going The Distance (Sequel To Trapped 5: Happily Ever After)Where stories live. Discover now