" We'll maybe , we should play together ... See who wins . If you win , you wouldn't have to be my slave . " I challenged .

" And if I win , you have to tell me a little about yourself . " Mason grinned , putting his hand out for me to shake it .

" Deal . " I agreed , shaking his hand .

We raced down stairs and out the front door , to the backyard . I grabbing my basketball and twirled it around on my index finger .

" I'm about to tap that ass , Michaelson . " Mason chuckled , taking off his shirt . My eyes widened as I stared at his delicious looking abs . He snatched the ball out of my hand and made a clean shot .

" Stop drooling , princess . " He winked , throwing the ball to me .

" Get ready to lose . " I smiled evilly .

** 15 minutes later **

Mason blocked my path and held his hands over his head . He pressed his body against mine and looked me deep in the eyes . I'm not going to fall for that trick .

I leaped off my feet and threw the ball but it was sadly an air ball . Mason laughed and smiled at me softly .

" Nothing but air baby . " He grinned , catching the ball before it hit the ground .

" He shoots ! And he .... " he throw the ball to the hoop and it's circled around 2 times before falling into the hoop dramatically . " SCORES ! "

9 to 15 , he beat me badly ! Shit ! He ran over to me and lighted me off the ground and spun my around .

" And the crowd goes wild !! Mason , Mason , Mason , Mason ! " he chanted to himself , putting me gently back down .

" Good game , Anderson . You only won because your like 6'3 and I'm 5'2 ! I couldn't see over your big ass head ! " I wined , stomping away into my house .

" Stop making excuses , princess . It's a little pathetic . " Mason followed me into the house and crushed down of my couch .

I sat down next to him , and stayed quiet . I knew I had to tell him more about me , but I didn't mind because I feel like he's Proven to me that I can trust him .

After staring intensely at each other for 5 minutes , I finally spoke up .

" My mom killed herself when I was 11 .... After my dad filled for a divorce . " I said , my voice cracking a little .

Mason facial expression looked shocked , his face soften and he looked at me with sad eyes .

" I never really had a safe place to land , ya know ? After all , I was the fat girl that nobody liked back in Chicago . They bullied me badly , and I convinced myself that I was nothing . My dad was to business marrying a woman who was basically a teenager at the time . He didn't care about my mother , he never did . He didn't even look at me after my mother died , because he said I reminded him to much of my mother . I don't know how to explain the pain I felt , when I woke up everyday to my dad playing house with a fucking 19 year old . " My voice got shaky and I felt tears welling up in my eyes .

" Riley ... You don't have to tel- " i cut mason off and shook my head .

" I'm not going to cry , I promised myself to stop crying so much . Crying makes you weak . So every time I shove my fingers down my throat , and every time my step mother smashes a jack Daniels bottle over my head or calls me a fat fuck , I try my hardest not to cry . Because if I do ..... I think about what a worthless piece of shit I am .... And I'll end it all . Just like my mother , I'll end my miserable life ! You want to know more about me ,so here it is ! I'm not that strong , confident girl I pretend to be ! I'm the girl who hates herself ! I'm the girl who wishes that I bleed out in that bathtub upstairs and died ! " I yelled out the top of my lungs , feeling the tears pour down my cheek . I can't hold all these bottled up emotions any more , it hurts to bad !


**Masons POV**

I stared at her in shock , is my princess crying ? I don't care if I sound like a bitch or not . Riley crying , is literally breaking my heart . I ran over to her and hugged her as tight as I could . she buried her head in my shirt and sobbed .

She doesn't deserved to be treated badly ! I swear that I will I beat her dad to death ! I can't hurt her step mom physical but I'll find a way to fuck her up mentally . I can't believe that she's been hurt like that , that isn't how it's supposed to be .

I'm supposed to be the broken one . Riley supposed to change me and make me fall in love with her . The bad boy always falls sweet and innocent good girl . So why is that not happening ? That always happens in the movies , right ? Instead Riley's this broken girl , in need of a savior . And I wanna save her , I wanna be the one she falls in love with .

" Shh Shh , it's okay princess . Don't cry " I whisper into her ear , trying to get her to stop sobbing .

I like Riley , and I'm proud to admit that .


** Riley's POV ***

" It's not okay , Mason ! It's not fucking okay ! Nothing will ever be okay ! I'm sick of it ! I'm sick of crying , I'm sick of yelling , I'm sick of wishing and hoping that it'll get better ! I'm not the person you think I am ! I'm that sad , pathetic , little girl that I was back in Chicago ! " I screamed , pushing him away from me .

He grabbed my forearms and forcefully pulled me into him .

" Don't say that , your not pathetic ! Your one of the prettiest , funniest girls ever I've ever met . Stop thinking so low about yourself ! Stop pushing me away ! I wanna Help you ! I wanna be their for you ! Let me help you , Riley please . I promise you I won't hurt you , you just have to let me in that's all . " He screamed back , with this passionate look in his eyes . He looked like he meant everything he just said , I want to believe him . I want someone to be their for me , but nothing ever lasts .

" You don't understand , mason . This is real life , not some corny ass love story ! You can't save me ... That's not possible ! I don't want to let you in , because I'm not ready to be broken more than I already am . If I trust , I get hurt ! That's how it always goes . " I sobbed . Let's not make this more cliche than it already is , I don't need mason to save me and then sudden confess his undying love for me .

" That's so stupid ! Stop knocking things before you try them . Trust me , Riley . I won't hurt you , I'm your friend . " he confessed , staring at me .

" No . " I said sternly before jetting upstairs to my room .

I hate depending on people ! I depended on my mother and she killed herself to get away from me . I depended on my dad and he cut me out of his life . I depended on me , and I let myself down when I shoved my finger down my throat . I hate everyone and everything !

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