Chapter 1 - The First Meeting

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That day turned out be another normal day.

Another monotone life in the hospital.

Hikari knew that herself already healthy enough to get out, but... Shun still not allowing her to get out from the hospital. He was afraid something will happened to her. She already tried to assured him, but as her doctor-he won't risk her life. Every time Hikari tried to reasoned with him, Shun will always brought her late parents in to the conversation. He said he already promised to them that he will take care of her. He will do anything to make her healthy again.

It almost midnight and Hikari had troubled sleeping. She already switched position but she couldn't sleep. She finally decided to raised up from the bed and went to the window. She opened it and staring at the sky. She let out a long sigh. She felt...lonely. She still has Shun and her beloved boyfriend and also friends, but still... She couldn't get rid her loneliness. She let out her smartphone and opened the messages. It was written...

I'll come tomorrow

Hikari smiled at that short message. Even though her boyfriend was not a romantic or gentleman type, but she was happy having him around. She just hoped, he will never left her behind because of her health. And then, in the middle of her thought-she could feel something in front of her. She looked in front of her, and there she found...

The man she met few days ago suddenly appeared right in front of her. He was floating in the sky. She still couldn't believe someone could floating. She rubbed her eyes, trying to make sure that no one was there but... She had to believed what she saw. When she was busy trying to assured herself, the man starting to walked away and Hikari-without thinking grabbed the tip of his clothes, surprising the man.

Now, she could see clearly how he looked like. Messy brunette hair with brown eyes color, wearing glasses. He was tall, very tall just like Shun. He was wearing a traditional Japanese clothes. A black hakama and white coat.

"Oh! I--I'm sorry. It's just... I just want to make sure that you're really...a person. Please excuse me" She said and finally let him go.

"You can...see me?" The man asked.

"Eh? Um, of course I can. I already see you few days ago but I thought I only imagined things. Um, does normally people won't be able to see you?" Hikari asked him back.

"Well, I As long they're human"

"Human? Does that're not a human?"

"...No, I'm not. I'm a shinigami"

Shinigami. The only thing appeared in Hikari's mind was he came to take her soul. They were supposed to be seen by normal people because they were almost reached their day of death. Which means...

"Um, am I...going to die soon?" Her question rather shocked him.


"Well, you know? I thought shinigami only appeared in front of normal people because they almost reached their death, so I thought you were here to collect my souls. Something like that" She explained. The man's passive face immediately changed in to a very amused expression. "Eh? D-Did I said something weird?"

"Oh, excuse me. Do not worry. That's not my job. You won't die anytime soon. But... I still wondering, why you're able to see me. I suppose your reiatsu is quite strong. But, I can't sense it"

"Reiatsu?" The man continued to examined her. He was like wanted to know what kind of power Hikari hold. In his mind, normal people won't be able to see him. He thought there might be something inside her that made her able to see him.

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