Chapter 31 - Little by Little

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Hikari's POV

Who is he?

Why he still here?

What do he want?

Come back to me.

That's what the man always said to me. Begging, to put it right. Come back? To where? I was there, in front of him and yet... He asked me to come back. Was he really referring the request to me? Or someone else?

The day when I opened my eyes, it was him-Aizen Sousuke who was by my side. He was happy when he saw me woke up and yet...

I had no recollection of him.

Did I know him?

The people whom I know in my head were only two, the old man and the woman. The devils of my life. They broke me in to nothing. Leaving me in the darkness. I thought I will stayed there forever but then...

Someone came and rescued me. Saving me from the void. But no matter how hard I tried to remember, I couldn't remember his face.

He was my knight in a shining armor. He brought me back to this world but that's it. The moment I stepped in here...

I couldn't remember anything.

Everything was a blur.

Whenever I was trying to remember anything, my head started to hurt. Like it refusing to remember.

Maybe even my head knew the memories were full of pain and I didn't want to feel it anymore. If I had to choose, I preferred to be alone somewhere quiet and calm. Avoiding to meet someone to hurt me. I only had myself. I was alone but that was better rather than being with someone and getting my heart to be hurted again.

I love you, my light.

He loves me?


What's his reason for loving me? I didn't do anything, and yet he said that he loves me. What did I do to him before I lost myself?


The last time I loved someone ended in a terrible way. The person that I loved didn't feel the same way as I am. But I already said that I love him, the problem is...

Even I couldn't remember the person.

I was hurt by the devils and I wasn't loved by the person I cared the most. With that reason, what's the point of continuing living? What's the point of living if I was unwanted by everyone?

Demon! Go away!

Don't come near us!


That's what I get when I was born in this world. 

No one has ever love me.

They despised my existence and this person in front of me, said that he loves me? What did he see within me? Was he pitying me? I don't need that. I wanted a person who will love me sincerely.

I only wanted him.

My knight in a shining armor who saved me from the darkness.

I wanted to meet him. I wanted to thanked him for saving me.

Will he come to rescued me again? Moreover...

I wanted to know his name.

Where is he? Where can I find him? I didn't want the person in front of me, I wanted my knight. My savior.

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