Chapter 18 - Riddles

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Aizen POV

I wait.

I'm waiting and waiting.

And I'm still waiting.

Waiting for the good news from my so-called subordinates about Hikari.

I asked them to collect more information about Hikari. The previous event had made me decided to explore more about her secret.

Shinigami... Kill all the shinigami.

I know the one who was talking back then, was not Hikari. She was no near my Hikari. Her lifeless eyes. Her cold tone. Her evil smile, oh how I hate that smile. Hikari was always has the greatest and the most beautiful smile I ever see. But that Hikari...

No... I am Hikari.

I was positive that woman was not Hikari. Maybe someone was controlling her? Or maybe she was having a dual personality? I can't answer all the questions until I got the hints.

The hint...

Blind. Black. Unloved. The demon. The devil. Fallen angel. Shadow.

Back then, she mentioned some clues. Maybe that will be the key to found out what of her. I couldn't ask more to her before because she was suddenly unconscious, leaving me a lot of question marks. 

Since then, every time Hikari awake-she was like...dozing off. She didn't answer my question, clearly she got another nightmare. She was hiding something. Last time, when she was looking the scenery outside-I caught her sitting on the couch and even though it was just in instant...I saw that evil smile that I hate appeared. I called to her but in instant, it was Hikari that I saw.

My Hikari.

Ever since I saw someone else within her, I decided to stayed by her side. Watching every single her moves. Two days and no sign of her. That's a good thing but I'm still wondering about her. I will have the answer no matter what. And besides...

Hikari was mine.

And I deserved to know whatever secrets she hold.

I looked at the sleeping girl. She was sleeping so soundly. 

So beautiful.

How come a beauty such as herself was able to shown the evil and twisted heart like before? She was so innocent and pure. I caressed her head like I will always do. Every time I touched, I could see she became more relaxed. I remembered she said I appeared on her dream and drove the nightmare away. I hope this simple action will helped too.

"Excuse me, Aizen-taicho?" As I was busy caressing her, Gin entered the room. Judging on his expression, I knew immediately.

"Did you find it?" I asked him.

"Yep! But I don't think it will answer about Hikari-chan's strange behavior" He said. It's rather unfortunate and disappointing, but at least I can figure out another secrets of her. I looked back at Hikari again and placed a quick kiss on her head and whispered on her hear.

"I'll be right back" I said and I stood up and followed Gin outside the room. We went to the hall as Kaname already waiting inside. We took the seat as I took the middle one as usual. "Well? Anything?" I asked them.

"Yes. We have gathered all the necessary information. But we apologized because nothing lead to her another personality" Kaname said to me.

"I see. And what do you found?" I asked.

"Well, we went to human world. And yep, as suspected Hikari-chan already caused problems since she's a child. People said they were not able to breathe, hear, speak, see, or even feel something. They said they will be in that kind of situation whenever Hikari-chan was around. They accused her as the demon"

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