Chapter 10 - Hate

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"Welcome back, Hikari" Aizen greeted her. Hikari couldn't help herself to feel scared to him. His eyes were cold as he was holding the injured Shun on his hand. He already hurt very bad, his head was covered in blood.

"Aizen-san..." She looked straight at him. "P-Please, d-don't hurt him. Please, let him go" She begged him. She did not want him to hurt Shun any further. The last thing that Hikari want, was Shun for getting hurt. Aizen only looked at her without saying anything, with his passive expression.

"You know exactly the rules if you tried to run away from me. Or maybe, you have to be punished first so you will know how it feels like if you escaped from me" Aizen threatened her as he raise Shun up and put the sword right in front of his neck.

"No! Please don't, Aizen-san! I'm sorry I ran away from you, so please! Please don't hurt him!" She continued to begged for him.

"If you valued this man's life that badly, you know what to do" Aizen said. Hikari knew if she went back with Aizen, he will spared Shun's life. She did not want to, but that was the only to keep Shun alive. "Well, Hikari? Do you still want him to live?" He continued to threatened her. He was like pushing her so Hikari will gave him the answer he need immediately. Unable to take it any longer, she slowly walked towards Aizen and Shun. She could see his face became a very delight and then...

"No, Hikari! You can't!" Shun suddenly shouted, surprising both Aizen and Hikari as she immediately stopped her steps and looked at him. "You can't...give yourself to him. That power of yours, belongs to you and you only. No one have the rights to use it, only...yourself" Shun said to her as he was trying to convinced her. True, her power belongs to her and Hikari herself was the one who were able to decided on what she will do to her ability. But still... She was scared if Aizen will did something to him if she did not surrendered herself to him. "Don't worry, Hikari" Shun was like reading her mind as he smiled to her, gentle and warm smile that he always shown to Hikari. "Everything is going to be alright" He assured her once again. His statement causing Hikari did not moved at all to Aizen and only put her hands in front of her chest and her gazes were fixed on the floor.

Witnessing on how Hikari did not moved at all, Aizen thought Hikari has decided. He lowered his sword from Shun's neck. "I see. So, that's your decision" Hearing him, Hikari looked at him and thought Aizen has finally spared on Shun's life and smiled lightly to Shun. "...What naive girl" He commented and instant, he pierced his sword in to Shun's body-right straight to his heart as Hikari could watched it in horror. 

"SHUN-SAAANNNN!!!" She ran towards him while Aizen pulled out his sword from him and moved away from the fallen human. "Shun-san!" She picked him up and let his head rest on her thighs and tried to put some pressure on his wound. "Shun-san! Please hang on! I'll called the nurse right away" Before she could moved away from him, a strong hand was gripping on her elbow-preventing her to be away from him. 

"No, it's okay...Hikari. I won't...made it...after all..." He said and coughed out blood. "Damn... He got me, huh? Even called the nurses...I don't have...much time...left" Shun forced himself to speak.

"Don't talk. You're going to be okay, Shun-san" Her tears started to dropped down. "You're going to be...okay" She assured him while Shun raised his hand and touched her cheek. "I'm sorry... All of this because of me. I really am...sorry, Shun-san... Please...don't go. Don't leave me alone"She begged him as Shun's conscious started to disappeared.

"It's okay, Hikari. You still have...Ichigo with you. Even though...I'm won't be...alone. Listen to me, Hikari... I might be don't have...any chance to say this to you. Ever since your parents passed away, I always...try my best to...treat you. I know...your condition was because...your special ability. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" Hikari only shook her head.

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