Chapter 9 - Discovered

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It's been a week since Hikari returned home and stays at Ichigo's house. Along her stay, no sign of arrancar or Aizen. She did not know whether it was a good sign or a bad sign. She was hoping Aizen already gave up on her but maybe not... He still need her to achieves his goal or maybe he already found someone else. Because Ichigo thought maybe Aizen still targeting her, he always told Hikari to not ever leave the house unless it's necessary.

Along her stay also, Hikari felt more better than before. She felt like...normal people. Healthy person. She's no longer had an attack like before. She thought maybe because she already aware about her power causing Hikari to controlled it. 


She had to controlled it. She was afraid if someday her power will become berserk and hurt the people she cared, especially Ichigo. The problem she's going to control it? Can Ichigo teach her on how to controlled it? Or maybe there was someone who are more capable to do the job.

"Um, Ichigo?" She called him while Ichigo was sitting on the couch, watching TV. Hikari sat beside him and with a serious expression, looked at him. "You already know about my power, right? But you know, I still...can't control it. Can you...teach me?"

"Eh? Me? Um... I'm not sure if I could, but... There's someone who are fit for the job" Ichigo said, causing Hikari excited to hear more about it.

"Really? Can I meet this person?"

"Sure. Wanna go tomorrow?"

"Yeah!" Good think Ichigo knew someone she could count on. Hikari was hoping with this person teaching her on how to use her power, she will be able to protect Ichigo and her friends. She will protect them from anyone, even...Aizen. She will never let him harm her friends. She will protect them, no matter what. Even it has to cost her...her life.


The Next Day

"Here we are" Ichigo said to Hikari as they were standing in front of shop-house like. It was written 'Urahara Shop'. "I already told Urahara-san about you. Don't worry, he might rather odd but he's the right person to teach you everything" Ichigo assured her. Hikari only nodded on his words and both of them entered the shop. Right after they entered the shop, a man with messy light blond hair and he was wearing a green-kimono like and a hat.

"Welcome, Kurosaki-san. Is this the person?" The man asked kindly.

"Yes, Urahara-san"

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Urahara Kisuke. May I know your name, miss?"

"Um, Fujinami Hikari. Nice to meet you, Urahara-san" Hikari bowed to him.

"Hikari-san, right? That's a beautiful name" He complimented her and made her blushed. "Please, come inside" Urahara returned to the house while Ichigo and Hikari followed him from behind. Inside, Urahara asked a young girl to made them tea as he escorted them to the living room. "Well then. Kurosaki-san told me that you want to control your power. Is that correct?"

"Um, yes"

"He also told me about your ability. He said you are capable to blocked any kind of sense"

"Y-Yes. That's what Aizen-san told me. At first, I didn't believe it. But when I recalled back on what happened years ago, I guess...I have to accept it"

"Did something happened?" Urahara asked again.

"Well, my classmates always said that they were not able to see or breathe or taste properly. And they were all like that whenever they were around me. I was completely forgot about it again when my parents...passed away. I remembered it again when Aizen-san showed me his zanpakuto and I don't get affected by his ability and that's how I found out my true power" Hikari explained.

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