Chapter 27 - The Dark Princess

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Aizen's POV

Who's the person stood there?

No, that's definitely not Hikari.

She's still Hikari, I was so sure of it. A hundred percent sure.

That dark hair, belongs to Hikari and Hikari only.

But those eyes...

Those creepy orange eyes, were definitely not Hikari's.

Those wings on her back, dark like fallen angel's wings. Hikari should be attached with angel's wings. True angel.

She's not Hikari. I convinced myself over and over that she was not my Hikari.

"Like what you see, Aizen?" She let out a question to me. Even her tone was different. Hers cold and intimidating, but Hikari... She was warm and gentle. Unlike this Hikari in front of me.

"Where is she?" I asked her.

"What? Are you blind? She's right in front of you. I don't know that you can be that stupid. Is a year enough to made yourself dumb? Or are you rotten now, old man?"

What a word.

But I won't let her twisted my mind.

I knew the girl in front of me was not Hikari. She will never said those words to me or anyone. Cursing or mocking someone were out of her reach.

I knew she was there, trapped inside. The girl in front of me was holding Hikari inside her and she won't let her go.

"I ask you again, little girl. Where. Is. Hikari?" I asked her again. I could see her expression changed. Clearly she hated on how I called her as little girl. But, what can I say?

She was indeed a little girl.

"You anger me, old man. Fine, if you want to know where is she-I tell you again" She paused and then pointed her index finger to her chest.

"She's here. Inside of me"

As I thought.

"It took everything to make her give up but eventually...She submitted herself to me"

"Oh, really? I think you're the one who forcefully took her soul. Isn't that right, Hikari?" This time, it's my return to mocked her. I wanted to know what happened which made Hikari gave up her everything.

I knew her. She won't let herself being controlled by anyone, even when she was with me. I hurt her everything but she was so stubborn and didn't let me to control her.

She was strong.

"Well, to put it simply... You were the one who helped me" She stated. Now that made my blood boiled. I clinched my fists.

"You mean you used me to make her lower her guard and took what's left of her" I said. Even though I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it directly from her mouth.

"You are indeed the smart one, Aizen Sousuke" Her answer almost made me snapped. I need to calmed myself. But Hikari...

She was there and I need to save her.

"Well now, I think that's enough for the reunion. We still have an unfinished business" Yhwach said and both of them turned their back on us.

They're getting away!

I was meaning to stopped them until Kyouraku stopped me instead by holding my shoulder.

"No, Aizen. You can't" He said.

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