Chapter 3 - Hueco Mundo

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"You're the one I need. Come with me, Fujinami Hikari..." Aizen said while reaching out his hand to her. Asking Hikari to take it. As for her, she still not understand the situation. 

You're the one I need

Does that mean he was watching over her before? Was that the reason of why he constantly visiting her? Treated her gently.

"Wh-Why? Why do you want me? I don't get it. I don't have--" Hikari stopped her words. It reminds her, before she told him about herself, including-her abnormal power. Was that the reason of why he wanted her? Or something else?

"You do have something I want. Allow me to explain after you come with me" He still reached out his hand to him, still waiting for her to accept it. Hikari still did not understand him. She's just feel like...did not know him anymore. He was not...Aizen anymore. Hikari then looked aside, hinting she did not want to follow him. Aizen seems to understand her answer and slowly pulled his hand back and quickly went to her side and pushed her down to the bed, surprising her.

"A--Aizen-san..?!" She could heard her heart was thumping and her face was flaming. She was scared but in the same, embarrassed. That kind of position, it was her first time, where man on top of her and her hands were pinned down. He slowly lowering himself, closing his face to her ear. She could feel his breathing and it tickled her.

"...You do not want your precious friends to be hurt, correct?" He asked, made her eyes widened. Rather than a question, Aizen was threatening her. She was not able to looked at his face, but she knew... Aizen was serious. That cold and demanding tone. "Especially... Kurosaki Ichigo" His words causing Hikari gasped and Aizen raised his head and looking at her. He knew that expression, she did not want him to hurt or killed Ichigo-the man she loved. Fear could be seen from her beautiful face. He let out a soft chuckle. "No, of course you don't want that. Well then, I suppose you know what to do. Come with me and I will spare you dear friends" He reached out his hand once again and Hikari...unable to bear the thought of losing her friends, decided to...slowly accepted his invitation.

A satisfy expression could be seen from the older man as he gently picked her up and carried her. Hikari was confuse, obviously. She looked at him. "Um, Aizen-san?" He looked back at her and smiled. A smile that she never know. She thought in her mind, that was probably his real smile. The Aizen she knew before, was gone-or maybe he never there. He was just another faker.

"Ah, don't worry. You're not heavy. Well then, shall we?" He asked and without any answer, he opened a giant portal, surprising her. All she could see was darkness, unlimited darkness perhaps. He walked inside and the minute he was inside, the portal was closed. Aizen was walking silently, Hikari also did not dare to opened a conversation with him. It's so not her, before she was able to talked anything to him but now... She felt she was carried by a stranger.

"Don't worry, Hikari" Aizen suddenly speak up, startling her. "If you followed every single rule that I set up for you, you won't get hurt. It will be a trouble if I have to punished someone pure and beautiful such as yourself" He was like tried to remind her but he was like ordering her to not ever disobeyed him. 

It took them ten minutes to finally reached the end, when Aizen stepped out-all Hikari could see was a very tall ceiling and the wall with white color on it.

"Wh-Where are we?" Hikari asked.

"We're in Hueco Mundo. The world where Hollow lives"


"Oh yes, you never see one. Hollow is a being which are born from human soul who do not across to Soul Society after their death and stays in human world for too long. They are corrupt spirits and devoured human souls" Aizen explained.

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