Chapter 28 - Her Heart

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Aizen's POV

I will save her.

I will have her back.

I will never give up until I have her on my hands.

I will not stopped until she was save.

With me...


She was so bright. Kind and gentle. Warm heart. She saw good in people even though there was nothing good inside them. Just like me.

I was cruel and heartless. I killed without hesitation. Threw away people like garbage when I considered them useless to me. That's who I am. But Hikari...

Even though she knew what kind of person I am, she never left. She stayed by my side, trying to save me before I could fall deeper in to the darkness. 

She was the light while I was the dark.

I didn't want that light disappeared from her. She deserved to live in the light. Until that girl came and destroyed what's left of her.

Hikari might be wanted to save me from the darkness, but I will fall deeper in to it.

I will kill for her.

For her sake, I will destroy everything so Hikari will be save.

"Aizen?" Someone called me, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up only found my previous rival, or should I say I never considered him as a rival. 

Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Can I have a word with you?" He asked but I only nodded to him. He pulled a chair and sat on it, opposite me. "You know, when you were gone-Hikari was really sad" He said.

She is, huh?

"Sometimes she will staring at nothing too long until me or my friends called her. If we asked her what's wrong, she will say nothing's wrong. But we know, we all know. She was thinking about you" He explained.

"She really miss you" I could see from his expression that he was in fact...hurting.

What can he say? The girl he love was in fact and maybe, in love with me. His enemy. 

Even so, I won't let him take her. She's mine and I will be the one to save her.

"I let you help because I know she will respond to you. If what Shunsui-san said was truth, maybe she will listened to you. The person she cared the most"

Before this talk, we were having a brainstorming on how to defeat the Quincy. Especially, Lilith.


That was her name. Hikari's dark side, her other half. The Soul King's creation.

Honestly, what Kyouraku told me made me surprise. He created Lilith but because she was a failure, he made a couple to carried his other creation. The other half, which is Hikari.

I pitied them. They could had a normal baby until that doll meddling with them. They didn't know anything about it but because he gave power to their child, it caused them their death.

Yes, everything was clear.

Hikari was the one who caused her parents' death.

I thought to myself that Hikari might be already know about it.

Damn, if I got my hands on that doll-I will kill him for destroying Hikari's life.

But I couldn't anymore.

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