Chapter 17 - The Other Hikari?

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It's been three days since Ichigo came to Las Noches.

Three days and there was still no sign of him entered the castle again.

Hikari thought maybe he was still shocked about her secret.

Her and Aizen.

She was shocked of Aizen's action, but there was one thing which bothered her mind.

Her dream about herself.

Hollow Ichigo told her that was her dark side. Just like Ichigo had him. And when she found Hogyoku, she felt like her body reacted to it. She thought there was still probably a hidden power inside her or maybe another secret that not even herself knew about it. 

"Hikari?" She broke her thought when she saw Aizen was standing beside the door.

"Aizen-san? Um, is there something wrong?" Hikari asked. Aizen then walked towards her and sat beside her on the couch.

"No, nothing's wrong. I come to check on you. There's something...that I need to check" Aizen said. True, Hikari knew what he meant.

Since she unconscious after Aizen found her, he always beside her. He told her that something weird happened after he found her that not even Hikari remembered. He wanted to know what she was hiding, but Hikari always refused to tell him. She thought to find it by herself first then she will tell Aizen.

"Hikari?" He called while caressed her cheek with his thumb, made her to looked at him. "If there's something, you can tell me. I'm here to help you" Aizen assured her. She loved his attention, but Hikari thought because he need her as well so he always worried about her well being. The fact hurt her. He was not being caring because he loved her but because she was useful to him.

Hikari then lowered her gazes from him. "...nothing. I'm just...tired. That's all" Hikari said. She knew she was not being a convincing at all. She knew Aizen could read her easily and she was lying to him.

"All right, then. If you do not want to tell me, that's okay then. But, don't think I will let you get away this easily next time. I know you, Hikari and whenever you're looking away from me, that means you're hiding something" Aizen stated.

Sometimes Hikari couldn't believe him. In her mind, if he was not that caring-he won't be able to read her easily. But there he was... He acted like he already knew her for a long time. He made it like it will be useless for Hikari if she was trying to lied to him. 

Aizen then stood up from the couch and looked at Hikari. "There's something about you that maybe, no, not even yourself know about it. But, I will find it" Aizen stated and he paused for a moment. "...for you" He continued. His words shocked her. It was like he was willing to do anything for her. Not just for himself but for her as well. 

Aizen then walked towards the door as Hikari then looked at his figure walking away from her. Just his simple words but it meant everything to her. She did not care whether he said those words because he only wanted to made Hikari being submissive to her. She just wanted him to care about her. 

"W-Wait, Aizen-san!" Hikari called him as Aizen immediately stopped his steps without looking at her. She has decided. She wanted to tell him about her dream. On how she met Hollow Ichigo, how she met Shiva and how she saw herself-her dark side. Maybe Aizen knew something about it. 

"Actually.. I--"


Hikari's eyes widened as she heard a voice inside her head.

Kill him...

"Wh--What--?" She put her hand on her head as Aizen looked at her with a confuse expression attached on his face.

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