Chapter 25 - The Truth

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Hikari's POV

I immediately rose up from the bed when I heard somebody's voice behind me.

Two people stood right in front of me.

I don't recognize any of them.

One man and one woman.

The man was very tall with a thin build and long blonde hair and he was wearing a hooded cloak while the woman has a long straight dark brown hair and brown eyes. Her clothes was the same as the man.

"Oh, look Haschwalth!" The young girl said while pointing her finger at me. "She looks scared. Are you sure this is the one we're looking for?" 

"Yes, it is the truth. She is the one Your Majesty is looking for" The man called Haschwalth told her.

"Hmm... She don't look strong at all"

"You haven't see what this woman capable to do. Now then" He let out his hand to me. I looked at his hand then up to him. "Come with us, Fujinami Hikari"


"You heard him! Come with us and don't you dare refuse! If you dare, we won't hesitated to take you by force!" The girl shouted at me.

"Bambietta. Stop. He told us to not hurt her" Haschwalth hold her off. His eyes went back on me again. "Fujinami Hikari. You do not wish for your friends to die, don't you?" His question shocked me.

No. Not again.

"Of course you do not wish that. If you valued their life, come with us" He told me again. 

I lowered my head. I don't like this. This is just the same when Aizen-san took me with him. Were kidnappers always like this? Threatened their victims like this? Was it because I had friends so they can threatened me? Moreover, what do they want from me? My power again?

"Hey! Come on make up your mind!" Bambietta's shout broke my thoughts. I don't want go with them, but I don't want my friends to be hurt, so I decided...

"I'll go" I said with heavy heart.

"Good. Now follow us" He said and both of them exited my room. 

I didn't want them to killed any of my friends. I already had enough witnessing Aizen-san killed Shun-san right in front of my eyes and I don't want that again. I went down from the bed and followed them outside.

When I opened the door, they already stood in the living room and Haschwalth opened some kind of a portal. Like a garganta. He turned his head to me.

"Come" He said and Bambietta entered first and I hesitantly walked towards him. He went inside and was waiting for me. I inhaled and exhaled and then entered the portal.

I didn't know that my decision will caused me a much bigger problem in the future.


It only took us ten minutes until we reached the new destination. When I exit the portal, I realized that we...didn't went to some new place. I knew this place, very well.

This is Las Noches!

Wait a minute, they used this place for their base? What happened to the other arrancar?

"Follow me, Fujinami Hikari" Haschwalth said and I followed him from behind. 

Along the way, I realized this place didn't change much. It was still the same white building. I thought I will never set foots here after I lost him. But here I am, in the place where I build countless memories with Aizen-san. I thought to not ever returned here because I was scared and not ready to considered what I had with him will only stayed as memory.

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