Chapter 1

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You walk down the streets of Gotham, it seemed pretty crazy to walk down the streets of Gotham so late at night especially considering you were a very well wanted criminal around here but you were hungry, you couldn't pass up the opportunity to go get some food.

You weren't all that new to Gotham, you were born and raised but moved out of the city when you were around ten because of how bad the influence was. Your parents wanted a better life for you, they didn't want you to end up like a drug addict or a criminal and they definitely did not want you to end up dead either.

Although they thought the influence on you was terrible and moving you out of there was going to do you some good.. it didn't. Even while you lived in a completely different place, you had started to get into trouble in high school which escalated to getting expelled, dropping out completely, getting kicked out of your parents house and moving back to Gotham with one of your family members, who were also a bad influence.

Your parents had shortly died afterwards when you were 17, which upset you but it made you angry at the fact that they disowned you and kicked you out of the house at such a young age.

To take your anger out, you started training, learning how to fight, how to handle yourself, defend yourself. Your family member had helped you with a lot of things, taught you everything you needed to know which also included gang activity and other illegal moves.

After five years have passed of the constant training, doing most of the illegal activity for your family, it led to this very moment. You walking on the street to get some food, a little excitement in the pit of your stomach at the thought of possibly getting caught and chased into the night before you disappear without a trace for a good while.

Another part of you has been excited to run into the Joker, someone your family member has mentioned plenty of times that he is not the one to mess with. So, when you did your stealing or trades, you were always told to be careful and not get involved with anything relating to him.

But, it made you want to even more.

Even though you have always "worked alone" with the occasional help of your family, you wanted to get involved with the Joker. He was a good criminal and you kind of wanted to work with him, not for him, but beside him. Like a partner in a way.

You knew that wouldn't really be possible because of how dangerous he is and how he likes to be the alpha or in control but you still wanted to try it out one of these days.

As you took a bite of your sandwich you had just recently got, you started to walk back to the apartment you have been staying at alone. Before you can walk inside the building, you felt an odd presence as if someone was watching you. You even felt the same way as you walked inside of your apartment, glancing around the dimly lit room. Then your eyes darted to a window that was open, did you leave that open? You didn't know.

"Fuck," You cursed under your breath, trying to rack your brain about whether or not you had left it open. You had walked over to close it shut, looking out at the street and hummed to yourself.

You quickly made your way over to your bedroom, going to the closet and opening up a piece of dry walk that hid all of your supplies.

Guns, knives, and other weaponry was hidden behind the wall, hung up nicely. You had glanced around all of them, making sure they were all accounted for in case someone was wondering around your apartment.

You knew you were well prepared if anyone had tried to come in, break in, and try to hurt you. It might have been a little bit of overkill but you couldn't care less about that. You enjoyed stocking up on supplies.

After a few minutes, your mind was at ease and you were now in bed with the television turned on. You liked watching a few drama shows but it didn't take long for you to fall asleep.

❝Dangerous❞  »  The Joker (IN DEEP EDITING AS OF APRIL 2024 CHANGES ARE HERE!!)Where stories live. Discover now