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By -fairies


For a while, I've been confused on a lot of things. Gender, sexuality, feelings. From a young age I had always found girls beautiful, and I thought I had wanted to be them. I now realize that that wasn't the case. I used to be in denial, mostly because I had a boyfriend and I didn't want to scare him away. I ended up telling him that I think I'm bi, and he was okay with it. We ended up breaking up because I wanted to figure myself out, get my thoughts in check. To this day, I'm not exactly sure what my sexuality is, though I'm assuming I am bisexual. Another thing is my parents, who are very homophobic. I think I've hinted that I like girls but, knowing them, if I flat out told them they disown me or something similar. But I'm proud of who I am, and I'll probably be kind of open about it when I go back to school. Just as a helpful note that I've had to learn myself, it's okay not to know your sexuality or gender. You don't have to label yourself until you find out, or just not label yourself at all. I have already come out to my old friend, my friend, my ex(who is still my friend), my cousin, and many supporting internet friends. It was scary, but I'm glad I did it.



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