I love souls

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By Anonymous


So I was thinking a lot before I could share with you my milestone actually it took me five months before I take that decision.. Let's start from the beginning.

I am a cis feminine fifteen year old girl who doesn't speak English fluently so excuse me for mistakes. So five months ago I started questioning my sexuality. At first I was confused desperate and I kept it a secret. I thought that it was a phase that I shouldn't feel like that that it was wrong. Because I started liking girls except from boys. It felt different so I was hiding it even from myself trying to deny it.

I don't even remember how it all started I think that day that I decided I want to watch porn just to see how it was. We'll I saw different kind and I didn't mind if it was boyxgirl girlxgirl etc. So yeah that the day.

I started thinking I was bi and day after day I was accepting that. It didn't feel so bad. I told five of my real friends and a few on wattpad too and they we're so supportive with me and I thank them for that. None of them judged me and it felt good. Still I was denying that I am bi and I identified mysellf as straight.

But a few days ago I discovered I am pansexual. You know I like this trans boy very much and I hope it will lead me some were. I talked about it with my soulmate as we call each other on wattpad . I don't want to label myself somehow. I am a perso who falls in love with souls not genders and sexualities. I haven't told my parents already but I don't feel the need to.

I will do it when they have to meet the love of my life but not now. I am happy free and proud. You know what? Someday I have read to my mother something I had wrote about lgbtq+ community and she told me she was proud of who I am and I made her change her mind about the community. And you know what? It felt awesome.

I know my biggest milestone starts now but I am prepared and strong enough. In the end I fall in love with souls...

Carry on and I love you

LGBTQIAP+ Milestones: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now