My Story: How I Discovered I Was Pansexual

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By Free-My-Soul


Anyways, I found out I liked girls years back, I didn't know it at the time, it was when the gay rights movement was really big, and I had no idea what gay meant.

I was confused, I didn't know what I was, I though I was a freak or just confused, I didn't know what love was. I fell in love with two kids that year, one boy, one girl, both of them redheads, I didn't know that I liked the girl, I thought I was jealous, I always thought I was jealous of her. I found out later in the year I was jealous of the boy, the kid I developed a crush on in the beginning of the school year, first day of school, and I was jealous of him because he was partners with this girl one time.

I became friends with this girl, the next year came along, we didn't talk, she was nice to me, a good friend when I needed someone to talk to.

I'm going to fast forward a little, to the next year, I had a new friend this year, I already started to think I was bi, I wasn't sure what bi was though at the time. Anyways the new friend I made, I developed a crush on her, she was a really good friend. I needed to protect her.

This year came along, and alot of stuff happened. That friend I made the previous year, she's pan, so is my best friend.

I started questioning my gender, I've been doing it for years, but I finally decided I was agender fluid, always moving from gender to gender, but mainly felt more agender, or like a boy.

I came out to my friends about being pan first, I just knew I was, they accepted me for who I was.

Now, those two friends I have, they're dating, and they are an adorable couple.

That girl I liked in 5th grade, she's my girlfriend.

I learned that so many people are like us in this world, they are just too scared to come out.

Anyways, this is my story, this is how I learned who I was over the last 4 years of my life.

Remember you're not alone

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