from Senpai to Girlfriend (love is the key)

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By Anonymous Lesbian


I started roleplaying with a girl who absolutely loved Ninjago, just like I did, but something was different about her.

We included the Ninjago ships "Glaciershipping" and "Plasmashipping," of course, I loved those ships.

One day, I told her that my class hated me, and that I needed a Senpai to help me, and she said the same. So, she was my senpai!

A few months later, she claimed that she really really liked me. And I liked her.

But the poor girl was just like me, hated by her class and constantly having her feelings hurt by them.

I didn't want help from anyone, but she helped me steer clear of those idiots. She was the best, the prettiest, the smartest, and the kindest.

But in her life, she was spiraling through depression, and no one saw it but me. She would send me a Snapchat picture or two, showing these long as heck messages about how she was doing this for attention and how she was a fake and how she was a real bitch. I didn't know who to believe, but I believed her.

I tried to help her, but I feel like I failed.

I don't know if she still loves me now, but even though she's hurting and needs someone's help, I still love her, and that will never change.

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