My Best Friend

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By Marie - trinaskymarie


Okay well here goes nothing...

My name is "Marie" and I am Bisexual.

I am almost 14 and this is my story!

In the seventh grade I meet a lot of People, same in sixth grade. In sixth grade I feel in love with an amazing guy and we dated for a while.

Over the summer we had broken up and then in seventh grade got back together. A lot was going on and I was so glad to have him. Well he moved and we broke up*cries*.

After this I had meet My three best friends. One was a boy and I had a MAJOR crush on him. The other two were girls: Chiky and Dessy.

Well as time went on and we all got closer I still had these feelings for him, but I also started developing these feelings for dessy. At first I was confused and like 'oh it's nothing maybe it's just because we are really close friends'. But I continued to have these feelings for her and him at the same time.

My friend Cass would always joke around with me and ask me 'are you sure you aren't bisexual?' you know because I called some of my friends as my 'wife's.

I would always tell her no and I knew it was a lie. Cass had told me that she was Lesbian sixth grade and I was just totally amazed that she thought to tell me before most people.

So anyway enough of my rambling and back to my story XD!

One day at lunch dessy had told me and chiky she was bi and at that moment I got so happy and I knew I could tell them so at that moment is when I came out to two of my best friends.

I later then told my friend Rocky and she totally freaked out. To this day she still excepts me, Just not what I am or "what I do" because she believes VERY strongly that it's wrong.

I later then came out to my boy Best Friend and he told me he was bi to.

School ended and summer started and I decided I would ask dessy out. She thought about and she sadly said no but the point is I tried!

Now I'm pretty sure you guys are getting bored so I just wanted to say you can do it.

You can tell people, but don't rush yourself into it, wait until you are ready.

So this is Marie and that is my story! Bye loves XD lol

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