My Bi-lestone

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By Makenna


I always thought that me telling someone that I was bi for the first time would be my biggest milestone.

To let them into something I had been thinking about for the last year was big, I knew that. And it felt like that.

I told six of my friends the night of February 13.

(I now realize that I had told them who I could love the night before the day of love.)

Out of the six people I told, two of them I faced everyday in school, one I had known since I was three, two I had barely talked to, and one I later found out was pansexual.

I told them because I knew they wouldn't care, and they didn't. It felt good having them as an outlet to talk to about crushes, whether on a guy or a girl.

I thought that was the biggest moment, it might have not been my family who I came out to, but they were the first time I had ever come out so it must be the biggest moment. It wasn't.

My biggest milestone came months later some day early April when I stood in front of a mirror.

I have this habit where I'll make up a conversation in my head and sometimes I'll say the things I say in my mind out loud.

That's what I did that day.

Right now I have come out to twelve people, however, none of them are related to me. Though I know that my family won't care(my brother has already come out as gay) but I worry that I will not be taken seriously. In their eyes, I'm relatively young to be thinking about my sexuality so I don't know if my conservative father(though he accepts anything his kids are) will understand. My brother didn't come out until he was 19.

But I hope that one day that I will reach that next big milestone.

I hope that I will say to them what I had said to myself in that mirror.

My name is Makenna, and I am bisexual.

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