Change of plans (28)

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It's been three years since Caleb and Cameron were born. Ryan and I decided to throw a huge party for them this weekend. The whole family came and so did Gabby, Chris, and their almost one year old son Daniel. Gabby and Chris were still together but were going through some rough times.

While Cameron, Caleb, and Daniel played in the backyard with my other son, almost four year old Ben, Ryan talked to guests and I took care of our eight month old baby girl, Caitlin.

After cake was served, Ryan and I made an announcement.

"Now, I know we're barely 21 and already have four kids but..." I turned to Ryan.

"Evelyn's pregnant again!" He exclaimed.

Everyone oh-ed and ah-ed and clapped. Ben, Cameron, and Daniel came running in from outside. Cameron was crying and Daniel had a look of panic on his face.

"Mommy." Ben said rapidly. "C-c-caleb f-fell and-and-and he, um, bumped his, uh, h-head. He-he-he-he's crying." Ben had a speech imparement that caused him to stutter often. Ryan and I were the only ones who could understand him most of the time. "His-his-his-his h-head is, uh, b-bloody."

I gasped and ran outside to find Caleb sitting in the dirt, red faced and screaming. His head was surly bleeding and I scooped him up right away. I ran inside to show Ryan.

"I'm taking him to the hospital." I stated and scrambled to find my keys.

All of our family just stared at us.

Ryan walked over to his mom. "Listen, I'm going with Ev and Caleb to the hospital. Can you watch Cameron, Ben, and Caitlin for us?"

"Sure, son, do what you need to do." Mrs. Sutton replied.

Ryan handed Caitlin to his mom and she started screaming.

"I'll just take her with me." Ryan grumbled.

As Ryan, Caleb, Caitlin, and I walked out the door, Ben started crying. "M-m-mommy, no! I-i want t-t-to-to-to c-come too!"

I gave Ryan a look. "Just bring them all."

Ryan picked up Cameron and took Ben by the hand. "Come on, kiddos, we gotta go!"

I ran out to the car and buckled all the kids up. Ryan drove us all to the hospital. Our car was full of four screaming kids. Caleb was in pain, Cameron was in pain for his twin brother, Ben wanted me to hold him, and Caitlin was hungry.

I ran Caleb into the ER first as Ryan trialed behind us with the other three kids.

A doctor took a look at Caleb's head almost as soon as we got there. Caleb got seventeen stitches on this forehead, nine on the right side of his head, and seven in his right eyebrow.

A few hours later, after doctors knew Caleb was OK, Ryan drove us back home.

I looked in the backseat of the car and saw how cute they all were. Caleb was sleeping, Cameron was holding Caleb's hand and glanced at him every few seconds, and Ben was holding a bottle for Caitlin to drink.

I smiled. "Ryan, they're so cute."

"They're cute now." He laughed. "Do you remember the car ride here?"

I laughed too. "Just think, we're having our fifth child."

"I know, we're running out of names!" Ryan joked.

"Shut up!" I giggled.

When we got home, everyone except for Ryan's mom was gone. Once she was sure everything was good, she left.

I gave Caitlin a bottle and then put her in her crib for the night. Ryan gave the three boys a bath and then they went to sleep too.

"Are we going to watch a movie?" Ryan asked as he walked into our bedroom.

I was folding laundry and had the TV on low. "Sure." I replied. "Whatever you want to watch."

Ryan picked a movie and we cuddled in bed. After about thirty minutes of watching the movie, I fell asleep in his arms. I felt Ryan kiss my forehead a little while later and then the TV turned off.

"I love you." I muttered, half asleep.

"I love you too." Ryan whispered back.

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