Change of plans (5)

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On Monday morning at school it semmed like everyone was staring at me. Usually they stare at Gabby because of her beauty and because she's the life of the party. They whisper about what she did and didn't do at the latest party. I'm just by her side making sure no one says anything bitchy about her. But not today. All the whispers and pointing was about me today. I got looks in the hallway that I've never gotten before. What were they talking about? I wondered. Why are the rumors about me but I'm the only one who doesn't know? Then Gabby came running down the hall towards me. She had a look of panic on her face. Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! I thought to myself. As she got closer and closer, I braced myself. "Evelyn, Ryan wants to talk to you."

My heart sank. This. Is. Bad. I thought as she walked me to where Ryan was waiting. Bad. Bad. Bad.

Gabby shoved me towards Ryan. I looked up at him and my eyes grew big. "Hi." I muttered.

Ryan grabbed my  arm and walked me outside. Gabby waved as I left the building. I followed Ryan outside until he came to a stop behind the gym. There was no one around and it was completly silent. He looked into my eyes. "Evelyn, about the other night, at the party."

"I know, I won't mention it. I'm just some girl in the background and your Mr. Hottie. You don't want to bring it up again. That's fine. I understand. We'll just pretend it never happened." I ranted. "It's totally cool with me-"

Ryan kissed me smack on the lips. He pulled away a few seconds later. "No, I... I have to ask you something."

I nodded.

"Are you... Ugh... This is awkward but... Um... Are... Are you on birth control?" He spat out.

"Uh..." I started getting worried.

Ryan stared at me. "Please say you are."

My breathing nearly stopped, I was so nervous. "No... No, I'm not... Why?"

"Shit." Ryan freaked. "Shit. Shit. Shit." He said over and over. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Oh my god, Evelyn."

"W-what?" I asked, still a bit confused. "Ryan, what's wrong?" He ignored me and I snapped. "Ryan, what is wrong?!"

He looked up to the sky for a moment then back down at me. "I was drunk and... and I forgot. I'm sorry."

I just looked at him. "Forgot what?"

"I forgot to use a condom." He said. "I'm sorry. We were both caught up in the moment. Oh, shit. This is bad."

I just stood there, still as can be. I said nothing and I did nothing. I just listened to Ryan freaking out.

"We'll be OK, though. You can't possibly be... Psh, no way. That won't happen to you. It's going to be fine. I'm worrying for nothing, right? But what if... Oh, shit!" He rambled. "Evelyn, why aren't speaking?"

I swallowed. "So... Ryan... your saying that... that I could... c-could be... pregnant?" I stuttered as tears filled my eyes. "I could be pregnant?!"

He nodded and wrapped me in a hug. "I'm so sorry, Evelyn. I didn't intend for this. I know neither of us want a kid. Oh, I screwed a lot of stuff up. Shit." Ryan nearly broke down into tears too. "I'm sorry. Really, I am. I'm so sorry."

"It's OK. We don't know for sure." I spoke calmly. "Maybe it's a false alarm?"

Ryan nodded happily. He kissed my cheeck. "I'm so sorry."

"It's OK!" I said with a giggle.

"When will we know for sure if your...?" He asked awkwardly.

I thought for a moment. "With in the next week or two."

"OK." Ryan nodded.

Just then, the tardy bell rang. Ryan kissed me then we parted and went to different classes.

The whole rest of the day I couldn't concentrate. I was starting to get really worried. I didn't tell Gabby anything about mine and Ryan's conversation. Actually, she didn't even ask about it. I was glad. I didn't want to talk about it at all yet.

Change of plansWhere stories live. Discover now