Change of plans (17)

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Ben and I were discharged from the hospital the next day. Ryan drove us home and we quickly realized that Ben doesn't like car rides. He screamed from the time the car started moving until we got him out. Once he was inside our house, he was asleep again.

The first night home was actually pretty easy. Ben wasn't like most babies. He actually liked sleeping. Ryan and I had to wake him up in the night so we could feed him. Ben also wasn't much of a crier. Except for in the car. Things were looking good for us.

On the second night home after I had put Ben to sleep, I decided to call Gaby to make dinner plans.

"Hello?" She answered. "Evelyn?"

"Hey, Gaby!" I replied. "I just put Ben to sleep and wanted to call you about the dinner plans."

Gaby giggled. "Oh, cool! Well, we could do something tomorrow?"

Tomorrow was Friday. "Sure. But maybe we shouldn't go out. Ben is only a few days old. You and Chris should come over here. Ryan and I will make dinner. You guys came bring side dishes or something."

"Oh, that would be great!" She exclaimed.

I smiled. "We'll barbecue hamburgers and hot dogs. You could bring salad or beans or something."

"Sure. That sounds fantastic! What time sound we be over?" Gaby replied.

"Um..." I thought for a moment. "Four-ish maybe."

Gaby sounded exclaimed. "Great. Can't wait to see you. Wait, what's your new address?"

I gave Gaby our new adress, then heard Ben crying and told her I had to go. I ran up to his room and saw that Ryan was already there.

"What's wrong?" I whispered to Ryan.

He shrugged. "I heard him cry so I ran in here. All I was doing was showering."

"Maybe he doesn't like the sound of the shower." I suggested. "My little cousin was the same way. He hated the sound of showers until he was five years old. It was the weirdest thing, Ryan!"

"OK." Ryan laughed a little bit. "Well, Ben's OK now. We'll just keep and eye on him."

I nodded and followed Ryan out of his room. "Gaby and Chris are coming over tomorrow around four."

"Cool." He smiled.

"Your making hot dogs and hamburgers." I added.

Ryan gave me a look as we walked into our bed room. "Oh, I am?"

"Will you please?" I asked hugging Ryan.

He kissed my head. "Anything for my fiance."

I giggled and Ryan and I laid down on our bed. He wrapped his arms around me and we watched TV. Ryan and I cuddled for about an hour and them we both fell asleep.


The next day at 4:13, our doorbell rang. I walked to the front door with Ben in my arms and opened it.

"Hey!" Gaby exclaimed once she saw me. She gave me a quick hug then followed me inside. Chris came in after her and hugged me too.

"Where's Ryan?" Chris asked.

I laughed. He didn't want anything to do with mine and Gaby's girl talk. "Back porch." I pointed towards the kitchen. "Just go out that door. He's barbecuing."

Chris walked out the door and found Ryan. Gaby stayed with Ben and I in the living room as I fed Ben a bottle.

"So how are you?" Gaby asked.

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