Change of plans (12)

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The next three months went by fast. Gaby and I didn't speak, my baby bump started appearing, and Ryan and I started really loving each other. In those three months, Junior year ended, I registered for on line high school, and Ryan got a job. Dad started coming by our house and asking more about the baby. In a few weeks, Ryan and I are going to find out the sex of the baby so we can get the nursery ready this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton pretty much leave us alone but check up on us every one or two weeks. Ryan is extremely excited about going to the doctor's and getting a sonogram. He wants the baby to be a boy. I want it to be a girl thought. I guess we'll see who wins.


Ryan and I got put of his car hand in hand and walked into the doctor's office. We were about 15 minutes early only because we were so excited. I checked in at the front desk and then sat down next to Ryan. Some lady turned my way and put her hand on my knee. "Darling, you look lovely. Your just glowing. Pregnancy really suits you."

I smiled. "Thank you."

The lady nodded then walked away.

"That was weird." Ryan whispered once she left.

"It's a woman's doctor's office, what do you expect?" I replied.

Ryan and I waited for about 10 minutes which seemed like eternity then a lady named Shelly called us back.

Shelly asked me some questions before she did the sonogram. Then it was time. She squirted some jell stuff on my stomach and put the little machine thing on my belly. Ryan was holding my hand and smiling anxiously.

"There's your baby's face." Shelby pointed out. "Now for the moment of truth..."

Ryan kissed my cheek. "Here we go."

Shelby moved the little baby looker thing and then smiled at us. "Congratulations, your having a boy."

Ryan and I flipped out. He was super happy and started crying tears of joy. I covered my mouth in awe. This whole pregnancy thing was starting to become really realistic. Ryan gave my a hug and kissed me again. I smiled.

Once Shelby cleaned off my stomach, Ryan and I left the office. Ryan called his parents first and I called my dad. Then Ryan called his brothers. Everyone ws so happy for us. I couldn't wait to decorate the nursery!

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