2.14 girl meets rileytown

Start from the beginning

"In what ways do human beings resolve conflict?" Cory asked.

"Bring in the mama." Zay said before Farkle looked at him.

"They talk it out."

"They go to war."

"Why can't they talk it out?" Farkle asked as he looked at Lucas.

"They go to war!"

"Oh okay. You and me against Farkle." Zay said as he and Lucas nodded.

"They talk it out."

"They go to war!"

"Let's get him!" Zay said before Farkle shot nerf balls at them.

"You shoulda talked it out." Farkle said with a shrug.

"Many conflicts escalate and don't end well. The story of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr is a prime example. Anybody know what happened? Riley?" Cory asked before the brunette looked up.

"Please stop picking on me."


"They had a duel. Burr killed Hamilton." Farkle said.

"In 1791, Burr captured a Senate seat from Hamilton's father in law, which launched their rivalry. Then Burr accused Hamilton of publicly insulting him. Riley, no one should be texting you in class." Cory said after Riley's phone went off.

"I agree. I don't want you to say Rileytown anymore." Riley said as she looked at Amzie and Maya.

"We like Rileytown, we like you, and we like to say whatever we want." Maya said.

"Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel to resolve their conflict."

"Maybe that's what we should do." Riley said as she looked at Maya and Amzie.

"Maybe you wanna hear what happened to them first." Amzie said with a fake smile.

"Hamilton believed the duel wasn't morally right, so he fired his pistol in the air. Burr—believing he had been shot at—fired at Hamilton and killed him. So why am I telling you guys a story about what happens when you fail to resolve a conflict peacefully? Lucas?" Cory asked as he looked at the Friar boy.

"People get hurt."

"What do we need to learn?" Cory asked.

"I need to learn how to resolve a conflict." Riley said as she looked up.

"What's going on?" Cory asked as he looked at the girls.

"She thinks Amzie and I are bullies because we keep saying something she doesn't like." Maya said as she looked at Cory.

"A bully isn't someone who says something you don't like. A bully is someone who uses power and intimidation to hurt others. There's a big difference between having a conflict with a friend and having a bully, so don't just throw that word around." Cory said as he looked at his daughter.

"There are other words you shouldn't just throw around either." Riley said.

"What?—like Rileytown?—the place where you live because you're there right now?" Amzie asked as she looked at the brunette.

"I asked you not to." Riley said before Amzie rolled her eyes.

"Why do we have to keep on talking about this?"

"Because the most powerful tool in the human being arsenal is the ability to solve conflict with words." Cory said.

"You think I'm goofy, silly, and weird." Riley said as she stood up.

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