The Story Of A Girl Who Is In Fact Not A Girl

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By Maria/Adrian - CupcakeOfDoom1


So, I'm Maria.Or at least, that's my birth name.

Everyone thought my mother couldn't even conceive a child, so when I came along, everyone was pretty surprised.

My parents always wanted a baby girl, and they always knew they would call me Maria.

Once this baby girl was born, she appeared healthy.

She grew up normally, with some anxiety and depression, but other than that, normally.

Only there was one problem...

Maria acted less and less like the girl her parents expected her to be as she grew.

When she was little she did not shop, did not enjoy playing girl's games like playing with dolls for example (and if anyone gave her a doll, it would usually end up with some strange yet cool tattoos marked on it, or have it's body parts ripped off).

She was friendly with everyone and liked everyone, but actually preferred hanging out with guys, because she felt they were more her style.

Whenever her mother even tried to put a dress on her, she would usually start crying and having some kind of hissy fit, and in the end, would end up wearing at least a skirt, but also a T shirt.

Now, at the time these were the only things that appeared a little out of the norm, and my mother did notice it at first, but chose to ignore it.

She thought that, in her words, maybe I'd just be more of a tomboy.

God forbid she had done all that work to get me conceived, and have me not be a girl.

That was her thought process, and sometimes it still is, sadly.

So, when I finally came out to my parents as Genderfluid, it wasn't actually a shock to her, although she was in a state of disbelief for a while.

It was the same with my dad.He knew I had a bit of a masculine energy to me, but never actually expected this.

Same thing with my friends when I came out to them aswel.

It was very, very hard at first, not being able to be who I am outside of my own house.

I also had to explain to everyone that, as someone Genderfluid, I can transition between many genders, but personally, I transition between Gender Neutral and male, which broke my parent's hearts even more.

They still refuse to let my family know, refuse to let me wear a binder, refuse to let me change my name, refuse to just let me be who I am.

But you know what?It's fine, because when I move out, things will be better.

I don't understand why some people are so closed-minded.

What I believe, is that no matter what kind of person you are, what your gender is, what your romantic orientation is, where you live, what religion you come from, what family you come from, what nationality you are, what colour your skin is, how you look, what your interests are, how you were raised, whatever kind of life you've lived so far,

We are all human.

As humans, we have emotions.We have the ability to have compassion and love in our hearts, the ability to think and invent amazing things.

The only thing that matters is that we are all 1 race, the human race.

And to achieve world peace, the only thing we need to do is accept eachother's differences and let eachother live the way we each want to live.

I love each and every single person reading my story right now.

Yes, you, the one with your eyes on this sentence.

You are beautiful, and you have a purpose.

You need to go and find that purpose, why you are here, and find your passion.

Even though my parents don't really accept my gender, they will never take it away from me.If anyone else out there is going through the same type of deal, you need to be strong, and remember, the pain of not being allowed to be who you are is only temporary.You will have the freedom to be you someday, and it will feel amazing.

I believe in you.

So, that is my story.The story of how I found my purpose, to help people, and the story of how I found out who I am.

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