"I dont know it either, it's Korean song, I dont know the rest of the lyrics I just know its Gee, G-E-E and baby."

"I love that song, but I can't remember the lyrics, it hurts." Ucapnya sedih.


Kalo kaga tau ya kaga usah dinyanyiin.

"Who's next?" Tanyaku yang melihat ke seat belakang, "I still think about it." Kata Calum yang masih mikir-mikir.

"Me." Kata Michael yang membuatku tercengang. Si dugong akhirnya mau ikutan maen ini lelucon ketuk pintu.

"What a surprise, Clifford." Kata Luke mengejek. "Shut up, Luke. My joke is better than yours." Balas Michael pede. "You know what guys? It's my first time and holy balls I feel excited." Dia udah ketawa kayak Ashton seperti biasanya.

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Four who?"

"It's Four from Divergent series, Theo James." Kata Michael.






"What kind of knock knock joke is that?!" Teriak Ashton dengan histeris. "That's not even a knock knock joke." Tambah Calum. Luke dan aku hanya geleng-geleng.

"Kidding guys, that's not the answer. Okay, ask me again." Ucal Michael sembari menjulurkan lidahnya.

"Four who?"

"Four the first time in forever, there'll be music there'll be light. Four the first time in forever, I could be notice by someone."




"Seriously, you know the song in Frozen." Kata Calum tak percaya kearah temannya. "I know let it go, tho." Kata Ashton membela Michael.

"Is that a problem? That's disney's movie, everyone love disney, you twat." Kata Michael yang langsung miting kepala Calum dengan ketiaknya.

"It's my turn." Kata Calum yang berhasil keluar dari pitingannya Michael. "Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


Sang empu pilik nama pun langsung menoleh ke Calum. "Really? You make a joke by my name?" Tanya Luke tidak percaya dan sudah berbinar-binar matanya kayak LED powerbank mau abis.

"Kinda." Jawab Calum, "Ask me the question."

"Luke who?" Suara Luke yang lebih mendominasi dari suara kami semua.

"Dont Luke doooowwwn, up this high, we'll never hit the ground. Don't Luke dooooooowwwwnnn, see that sky we're gonna reach it now."

Calum sudah berlagak macam Usher.

"Do you feel the lightning inside of you," Michael sudah nyanyi dengan berlagak seperti Martin Garrix lagi nge DJ. "will you follow through if I fall for you?" Lanjut Ashton dan aku yang sudah jingkrak-jingkrakkan.

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