Chapter 32

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"So what is fucking you up?" Josh on our team asked. We were all sitting in the room before getting dressed but I wasn't.

"I don't know. Just one of those times." I shrugged.

"I'll tell you; her name is a flower and rhymes with hose." Derek laughed.

"Oh she's the one isn't she?" Kaiden asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's not even about her." I denied.

"Steele is it about her?" Josh asked and he nodded while smiling. I groaned and slapped a hand over my eyes.

"It's not about her!" I said. Suddenly the door opened and a red hockey bag swung in followed by a blond with leggings and a hoodie and a messy bun. She looked around and her tired eyes lit up.

"Guess who is back you little shits!" She yelled.

"Rose you crazy motherfucker it's about time!" Tyson laughed. She plopped her bag down by Steele and sat on the bench smiling. Her long dark lashes framed her eyes as she looked around.

"Maybe you guys will actually win tonight with me out there, eh?" She teased.

"We win every night, Rosie." Kaiden laughed.

"Trust, ever since I left you guys haven't been as good."

"Well there are less fights I think." Derek teased. After they all got dressed we headed out and I was on door duty. I leaned against the door as they warmed up. The arena was packed with kids from our school and I kept my eyes on the ice.

I watched Rose skate around and laugh. She was the smallest one on the ice but clearly the most graceful.

Once the buzzer went they skated over. Rose stood near me and rolled out her shoulders.

"Little Rivers you, Kaiden and Jake are on first. Tony and Steele you guys are on defence. Get it done boys." Coach said. I watched them skate to centre and Rose stared down the hulking guy in front of her.

"Rose has got the fastest hands. Watch." Patrick said next to me. I watched her bend down and as soon as the ref dropped the puck, Rose had won it back to Steele. I didn't even see the puck hit the ice.

"Not as good as me." I shrugged and Patrick laughed.

"Admit it. She's got good hands." Patrick laughed.

"Steele!" Rose yelled. Steele sent a perfect pass to her stick and she crossed over into the offensive zone with her head up looking around and passing it around. Guys backed off of her as they saw the pony tail swinging around.

She was at the half boards and came across quickly snapping the puck past the goalie short side. I glanced up at the clock to see that only two minutes have passed.

"That was quick." I muttered opening the door. Kaiden came off first then Jake and then Rose.

"Nice goal Rosie. The goalie didn't even see it." Taylor laughed.

"Thanks T. Had to start the game off on a high note you know? Set the pace." She grinned cockily.

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