Chapter 21

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I got a lot of stares on the first day back to school but it didn't stop me. Clarabelle was expelled and was forced to go to the academy a little bit away from us.

"Hi Rose, how are you feeling?" Ms. Anderson asked.

"I'm good. I'm glad to be back." I said honestly and she stared at me oddly.

"Did you hit your head too hard?" She teased as I sat down across from Finn.

"No. I realized I need to stop fighting." I shrugged.

"And here I thought The Rose Rivers was going to join the underground scene." Some girl said. She had on a muscle shirt and shorts. She had long sandy blonde hair and you could smell the smoke from here.

"I'm sorry and you are?" I asked.

"Oh this is our new student Skyler Watts."

"Watts? I swore that was for energy on appliances?" I asked.

"It is. How come you not fightin' anymore Rivers?" She asked sitting in front of me.

"It's not worth it." I said opening my books and she chuckled throwing her head back.

"The way you should be fighting is worth it." She said glancing back at Anderson who stepped out.

"You get money, weed, boys or girls whichever you prefer it's great." She said.

"I have money, I don't do drugs and I have a boyfriend." I said glancing at Finn.

"That's yours? He's cute. Well fine, but don't say you don't love the adrenaline fighting gives." She said. I looked at Finn and he shook his head.

"I don't want to risk waking up and not knowing who anyone is again." I said quietly.

"Right that girl Clara broke your neck? How the fuck did that happen?" She asked.

"She pulled a chunk of my hair out and was able to throw me into the lockers head first. I woke up from being in two neck surgeries, a major concussion and twenty staples in my head and I couldn't remember anyone."

"Shit that blows but you are back, right? And you got some gnarly scars. Think about it." She said glancing at the front as Steele walked in. He was chatting with Paul- a kid from our class.

"Who is that?" She asked.

"My twin brother, Steele." I said. She took a deep breath as Steele turned and his eyes landed on her and he flashed a smile. Fuck don't give that smile Steele.

He sat down and she watched him.

"Making friends?" He asked me.

"Steele this is Skyler Watts she just transferred here. Skyler this is my idiotic twin brother Steele." I grumbled looking at Finn.

He picked up his phone and glanced at me and I dug into my pocket to get mine.

New Message

I opened my messages and looked at the text Finn had sent me.

Finnigan ❤️👅- Don't do it, pls.

I looked over at him and I sighed and plastered a smile on his face. I looked back at my phone and typed away.

Don't worry Roberts 😘

He looked down and smiled and gave me a thumbs up and I laughed. I looked back at a flirting Skyler and Steele and sighed. I didn't want to fight anymore but that was better than Finn's tongue.

Living as a Rivers (Fourth book in Rivers series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt