Chapter 23

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Awesome cover made by CrystalNightshade319  u r awesome girl! Thanks



"Rose are you insane!? You literally just got out of the hospital a week ago!" Sammy exclaimed.

"Come on Sammy you know I love to fight, will you just help me on this?" We were in the basement in one of the bathrooms so no one would hear.

"No, how would Finn feel about this? Or Steele if you got hurt again you will probably break him." He said.

"Sam this is what I want to do. I want to fight and be crazy and psychotic."

"Then go tryout for the WWE!" He whispered.

"Sam please." I begged and he sighed. Usually Sam was the one convincing anyone. All Sam had to do was smirk and run a hand through his hair and girls would drop their panties for him.

"Okay we leave at midnight." I said.

"And mom and dad won't know?" He asked.

"I already got that covered. It's Friday they will be having shower sex anyways." I shrugged.

"Fine." He sighed opening the door. I hugged him tightly and he soon gave in and hugged me back.

"I got kicked off the hockey team and this is what I like to do now."

"I know. Just try not to get hurt okay?" He asked.


At midnight I placed pillows under our comforters to make it out like we were sleeping. I grabbed my duffel bag and we ran outside and down the street to where Skyler was parked.

"Hey, who is this?" She asked.

"This is my littler brother Sam. Sam this is Skyler." I introduced.

"So you're the one that got crazy into this?" He asked rolling his eyes. I shot him a warning look and Sky laughed.

"The life of a fighter, kid. Once you get that high there is no going back. It's like a runners high." She explained.

"Or like getting stoned."

"No Sammy it is different. You have so much power and you feel invincible."

"Oh so it's like ecstasy."

"Goddammit Sammy stop." I sighed.

We arrived at an old building near the Mafia and Sky parked her car.

"Now these girls don't pull hair they fight for real." She said grabbing some cash.

"What is that for?" I asked.

"Betting. I'm putting two hundred on you because I think you are going to kick ass in there." She smirked getting out.

"This is so illegal and your boyfriends dad is a staff Sargent." Sammy sighed. We headed inside and music thumped through the walls. We came to a small club opening where people were dancing and drinking.

"Uh I thought we were fighting?" Sammy asked while pushing off the girls that tried to cling to him.

"We are." Sky smirked. She opened the door to a balcony that over looked a circle filled with people cheering and chanting. Two men faced off against each other on the concrete. An announcer was making comments in the background and I felt that amazing feeling in my chest.

This was like something out of Never Back Down. We followed Sky to the announcer and he smirked down at her.

"Sky what can I do for you?"

"I'm signing up Rose Rivers." She grinned and his jaw dropped.

"Rose Rivers? I swear your neck is broken?" He asked stunned.

"I heal fast." I shrugged.

"Damn girl, it's nice to meet you. We get a lot of Rivers down here and I saw some vids of you. You got mad skills." He said.

"What other Rivers?" Sam asked.

"I had Brandon Masterson- although he isn't a Rivers, I had Andrew, Ace-he is actually a good friend of mine. The guy still looks like he is thirty though- oh! And Luke was the last Rivers I had."

"Luke?" I asked.

"Yea, he had a little quiff in his hair, blue eyes and he had a black lip ring. He showed me a picture of his girl and she is fiiiiiiiine." He said and I glanced at Sam and he shrugged.

"You know him?" Sky asked and I shook my head.

"No, must be a distant cousin." I said. The guy who identified himself as Parker talked with Sky a little bit more as I headed back into the rooms.

"You don't think it was actually dad, do you?" Sam asked.

"Quiffed hair? Blue eyes? Lip ring? And a girl who is fiiiiiine? Sam if that isn't dad then he has a clone." I sighed.

"That breadstick." He muttered.

"Did you just call dad a breadstick?" I asked.

"I heard mom call him that once." He shrugged.

I shook my head and pulled off my hoodie and my sweats to have loose fitting shorts on.

"Alright girl, let's get you ready." Sky grinned walking in.

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