Konoha High (Chapter 57)

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I looked around for Sasuke because he wandered off from me somewhere. I entered the lunch room and saw Sasuke sitting at the table. I smiled and held the sheet of paper tightly in his hands. I walked up to Sasuke and whispered in his ear if I could talk to him for a second because the only three people that know I live with Sasuke is Itachi, Sasuke, and Nami. Sasuke looked at me with a confused look and said. "Sure." We walked out the cafeteria and I asked Sasuke. "Ummmm Sasuke do you think your parents could sign this for me." Sasuke thought for a second and said. "Why don't you ask your mom." "Because what if she says no." I reply twiddling my fingers. Sasuke chuckled and said. "Well call your mom first and if she says no then I will ask my mom to sign it for you." Sasuke said walking back to the table. I sighed and called my mom on the phone. It rang a couple of times and my mom finally answered. "Hello sweetie how have you been.?" She asked. "Good... ummm mom my school is having a field trip and I was wondering if you can sign the permission slip so I could go." Mom said " sure as long as it is safe. Come to the house after school. " She said. I was about to protest but she hung up...
Maybe dad might not be home .....please let him not be home.  

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