Konoha High (Chapter 32)

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Nami, Naruto, Sasuke, me, Shikamaru, Kiba, Ariana, Aka, Akemi, Sora, Akari, Gaara, Kankura, Sakura, Karin, Ino, Itachi, Deidara, Kisame, Pein, Konan, Lee, and Choji are at Sasuke's house for the after party.

"WOOHOO!!! PARTY!!!!," Naruto screamed. "Shut up Naruto you're drunk," I stated. "I'M NOT DRUNK TSURI!!!," He exclaimed. "Yes you are or you wouldn't be calling me Tsuri," I said. "Isn't that your name," he asked all wobbly with a beer in his hand. "Sasuke does Naruto always get like this at parties," I asked. He looked at me, "Well duh it's Naruto," he said bluntly. I rolled my eyes and realized Nami was tipsy.

We we're at Sasuke's house and somehow Naruto smuggled in beer. And it was raining like hell. Technically it wasn't a party but more like a sleepover. We were playing this game. It was like spin the bottle. Truth or dare,but if you didn't
do the truth or dare you have to drink beer. And if you finish your beer you have no choice ,but to do the dare or say the truth. Since Nami made the game up she went first. She spun the bottle and it landed on Naruto. "Naruto truth or dare?," she asked. "DARE!!!," he exclaimed. She smirked. "Naruto go to your next door neighbor Jiraya naked and ask for sugar," she said. Naruto stripped down ,but I covered my eyes. I heard footsteps follow over to the door. Sasuke nudged me," he's gone you know," he said smirking. I opened my eyes and noticed most everyone went to the doorway to see what Naruto was doing. The only people near me were Me, Sasuke, Hinata, and Sora.

Nami's POV
We all watched as Naruto went over to Jiraya's house butt naked. He knocked on the door. Jiraya answered and his eyes widened. "Can I borrow some sugar," he asked. Jiraya's eye twitched. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!," Jiraya yelled he slammed the door in Naruto's face. "Is that a no on the sugar," Naruto asked clueless. Naruto shrugged and walked back over to us. We all burst out laughing.

I heard laughing so I covered my eyes again. I heard footsteps come in the room. "Naruto please put your clothes back on," Nami asked. " Okay fine....," he said.
A few seconds later. "Ready," Naruto said. I opened my eyes to see Naruto spin the bottle it landed on Ariana. "Ariana truth or dare," he asked. "Dare," she said. "He smirked. " I dare you to....... give Itachi a lap dance!," he exclaimed. Her face turned red. And I looked at Itachi he looked redder. She sighed, " I'm only doing this cause I don't drink beer," Ariana stated. She walked over to him and he looked at her still red in the face. That's when she gave him the lap dance. I could tell a lot of people would get a little horny because Ariana love dancing dirty even though she is a sweet and innocent girl psych.

Ariana finished the lap dance and Itachi let's just say he was redder than Hinata ever gotten. All the guys were now looking at Ariana in amazement. Well except for Neji, Sasori, Naruto, and Sasuke. Ariana rolled her eyes and spun the bottle. It landed on me. I sighed because I was forced to play. "Truth or dare," she asked. "Dare," I said bluntly. She smirked widely. She tapped her finger on her chin, "hmm... what should I make you do," she asked herself. "Oh I know how about you flash your chest to everyone in this room," she stated evilly smirking. I shrugged, "Whatever," I said. I was about to pull my shirt off ,but Nami pulled me to the side. "Tsuki are you crazy," she asked. "no I'm me you know that," I said. You're not showing you chest!," she demanded. "Fine but I'm not drinking beer. "Fine I'll drink it just no chest action," she said. I shrugged "Whatever," I said. It was my turn to spin. I spun the bottle and it landed on sakura. I smirked.

What will I make Sakura do in the next chapter and what could go wrong who knows

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