Konoha High (Chapter 21)

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I was pulling Sasuke to the arcade. We finally reached the arcade. "Come on Sasuke you're too slow," I said. Sasuke walked up to me. "You are way too hyper," he said. "Whatever I just wanna have fun," I said. I saw some familiar faces from before. "Hey Sasuke isn't that Deidara, Tobi, and Kisame playing DDR3," I said pointing. He looked and said, " Yeah." "Come on I wanna annoy Kisame," I said smirking. He smirked back. "Hey FISH FACE!!," I yelled. I could have sworn I heard groan. Kisame glared at me. "Hey Tsuki what happened to doing my nails," Deidara said. I groaned sracthing the back of my head. "I forgot," I said. I noticed Tobi was beating Kisame in DDR3. I smirked. "Do I get paid for my job," I said. "No," deidara said. "I'm not working for free," I said. "Wait you work for them," Sasuke asked. "Yeah I'm there personal nail painter," I said. "Well how about I pay you $5 for each person nails you do?," Deidara said. "I have a better idea. If I can beat all three of you in DDR3 then it's $50 bucks for each persons nails," I said. "You're on ,but no one can ever beat Tobi he is a fanboy when it comes to DDR3." Deidara said. Kisame finally lost to Tobi. I stepped on the dance mat."Okay so who is first," I asked. Kisame went on first. I played Beat it by Michael Jackson on expert.

Kisame also chose expert. We started I began to do the moves on the screen they were quite easy ,but I could tell Kisame had a hard time. I wasn't even looking at the screen, and I was doing perfect. WINNER! I turner back to the screen to see that I won. Kisame growled and sat back down. "Whose next," I said. Tobi came to where I was. "Now it's TobiStar time!," Tobi exclaimed.
*Five minutes later*

"I LOST!!," Tobi exclaimed. "Next is you Deidara," I said smirking at him. "No way I know if Tobi couldn't beat you then I won't be able to beat you," He said. "But I have to beat the three of you not just two," I said. "The bet was three," I said. "Then have Sasuke do it," Deidara said. I shrugged. "Whatever it's if he wants to," I said. I looked at Sasuke and he was walking on up here. He entered his name. S.S? "Wait you S.S? the one who beat my score on my DDR3 at home," I asked. He nodded. "Well what does S.S. stand for. He smirked and whispered into my ear, " Sexy smirk" I face palmed myself ,but I blushed slightly. "I should have never asked," I said. "But just cause you beat my score at home don't think you will win," I said. He smirked at me. "Since I'm in this I think I should profit from this too," Sasuke said. "Sure what is the deal?," I asked. He smirked. "If I win we go on a date just me and you," he whispered seductivly in my ear. "fine ,but if I win you have to write and sing me a song," I said. He smirked, and we noticed Tobi, Kisame, and Deidara were all waiting impatiently. I let Sasuke pick the song this time. He picked some fast song and we both chose expert.
*A couple of minutes later*
" I LOST!!," I shoughted. Sasuke smirked.
He whispered in my ear ,"Cant wait for our date." I blushed a dark red, "flirt...," I muttered. He chuckled and said," Come on Tsuki we have to meet Naruto and Nami at the car and they said they have your candy you wanted," Sasuke said waking away. "Candy!," I gleamed as we walked to the car. Tsuki I will never understand how you can eat so many sweats and still have that figure," Sasuke said. I smirked. "sweets is a girls best friend," I said. "I thought girls don't eat things with fat in them," Sasuke asked. Everything has fat in them and candy doesn't technically make you fat they make you hyper and give you big thighs," I said. "Smart pants." he muttered smirking. I rolled my eyes. "So where exactly are we going for our date?," I asked. He stopped and walked towards me his face was a few inches away from mine. "It's a surprise," he said. I sweat dropped. "We'll I guess I have to buy another outfit later," I said. He looked at me and smirked, "You could wear what you're wearing now," He said smirking. "perve," I muttered. He smirked. "No it's just like you said you look professionally sexy," he said. I blushed, but turned away crossing my arms over my chest. We were finally at the car and noticed Naruto and Nami had fallen asleep in the back seat. I got in the passenger seat and Sasuke in the driver's seat. "Sasuke what time is it?," I asked. He looked at his phone. "9:37 why?," he asked. "Cause I still need to do Deidara, Kisame, and Sasori's nails. We were suppose to meet at your house," I explained. "So we aren't going your house?," he asked. I shook my head. He sighed and made a U-turn. I took out my phone and texted my mom saying I will be home late tonight. She texted back saying okay. The car stopped. I noticed we were at Sasuke's house. I woke both Naruto and Nami up. "Nami we are at Sasuke's house get up," I said. She opened he eyes. "Tsuki I had the best dream ever it was a dream when you and Sasuke had sex," she exclaimed. My eye twitched. Sasuke looked at Nami weirdly. I slapped her, "Nami you and your pervy dreams. Make sure to keep me out of them," I said annoyed. She was rubbing her cheek. "ooowww that hurt," she said. "now come on we are at Sasuke's house," I said. "Why?," she asked. "Cause I have to do Itachi's friends nails," I said. Me and Nami got out the car we walked with Sasuke and Naruto to the door. Sasuke opened it. I saw all of Itachi's friends sitting on the coach. They turned towards us. Sasuke 's house was huge almost as big as mine. "Tsuki where have you been. We've been wait for a long time," Pein said. "Hi too you to and I may be your personal nail stylist but don't treat me like a slave cause I have my own life," I said bluntly. "Whatever can you just do our nails already?," Kisame interrupted. "What's the magic word?," I said. "Now!," he stated. "aiint wrong!," I said. He huffed. " I think the word she is looking for is please," Tobi said. "Correct Tobi and just for that Tobi get's his free!," I smiled. Tobi gleamed happily. "Wait what are we paying you exactly?," Pein asked. "Well Deidara said $30 a person," I lied. "I NEVER SAID THAT!," Deidara exclaimed. "Lies!," I said pointing at him. "Fine $30 it is," Pein said. Everyone was in shock. "Okay who's first," I said. "We all want the same design," Pein explained. I nodded and they chose what they wanted. After I was done the nails looked Black with red stripes. I was finally done with all of them. I noticed that Nami fell asleep on the couch Naruto went to his room and Sasuke to his room.
"Hey Itachi where is Sasuke and Naruto's room?," I asked. "Oh just take a right up the stairs and the first door that should be Sasuke's room and across from his rooms Naruto's room," Itachi explained. I walked up the stairs and took a right. I went through the first door. I opened it to see Sasuke in a towel looking through closet. I covered my eyes "I'm blind," I said. I heard a smirk ,but I kept my eyes covered. "Hurry up and dress already," I said. "Okay I'm dressed," Sasuke said. I opened my eyes to Sasuke was wearing a white t-shirt and grey sweat pants. "You look lazy," I said. Sasuke smirked. I looked around the room it looked big. He wasn't kidding when he said his room was bigger then mine. I sat on his bed. And looked around. I noticed Sasuke was drying his wet hair by rubbing it with a towel.He placed the towel around his neck. "So Tsuki what are you still doing here," Sasuke asked. "I can't go home you drove me here remember?," I said. "That's right, but I'm lazy and just came from the shower. If I go outside I will get dirty again," he said laying down next to me.
(I was siting on his bed and he was laying on his bed next to me. I have to explain this cause some people didn't understand that I wasn't laying on the bed)

"Why not spend the night," he asked. "We have school tomorrow," I said. "So I can give you ride to school, and plus we have dorms at school so you can change there," he said. I sighed. "Fine let me text my mom," I said. He smirked. I texted mom saying I'm spending the night at Sasuke's house don't tell dad or he will freak out. She replied saying okay have fun,but not to much fun. I sighed cause I never actually slept over at a guys house. I looked back to see Sasuke was sleeping. Great now where am I gonna sleep. I know this is a queen sized bed and all, but it would feel weird. I sighed and got up. I left Sasuke's room and went back down stairs. "Itachi I'm spending the night where do I sleep," I asked. "Well Nami is sleeping in Naruto's room so you could just sleep in Sasuke's bedroom," Itachi said. I sighed and went back to Sasuke's room. I opened the door. Sasuke was still sleeping. I looked at what I was wearing. "I can't wear this to go to sleep," I said to myself. I went into Sasuke's closet and put on one of his shirts while still wearing me clothes underneath. his shirts were very big on me. It covered my thigh. I took off Sasuke's big shirt. The I took off my normal clothes I still had my underwear and bra on. "So you are giving me a show," said a familiar voice. Sasuke was smirking holding his head in the palm of his hand. He was awake? I ran in one of his closets closing the door and locking it. I quickly changed into Sasuke's big shirt. 

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